John Mearsheimer: Is China the Real Winner of Ukraine War? | Endgame #136 (Luminaries)

Published 2023-04-28
“I think the situation we face today in the world is much more dangerous than it was during the Cold War,” warned realist John J. Mearsheimer in this conversation.

What are the underlying causes of his provoking statement? To what extent the United States should get its hands dirty?

Criticized by Michael McFaul in Endgame 134, realist John Mearsheimer defends his argument on the cause and consequences of the Ukraine War which he concludes as “The Tragedy of Great Power Politics”.

Mr. Mearsheimer, who is an R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, also shares his view on why the US hates his realism theory, who will benefit from the prolonged Ukraine War, and how the climate crisis might increase the geopolitical tension over the Arctic region.

Hosted by Gita Wirjawan, an Indonesian educator, entrepreneur, and current visiting scholar at the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center (APARC) at Stanford University.

#Endgame #GitaWirjawan #JohnMearsheimer

This episode is supported by the Indonesian Students Association at the University of Chicago.

Episode Notes:

SGPP Indonesia Master of Public Policy:
[email protected]

Other "Endgame" episode playlists:
   • Wandering Scientists  
   • The Take  
   • Food for the Soul  

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00:00:00 - Background
00:04:28 - Realism
00:09:31 - Great Power Politics
00:18:55 - Irrelevant Region?
00:23:55 - Ukraine Debate
00:31:21 - Geopolitics of Climate Crisis
00:38:00 - Boomerang Against the US
00:43:51 - Nuclear Paradox
00:51:36 - East Asia's Instability
00:58:18 - Incalculable Coefficient of War
01:06:50 - China Matters

All Comments (21)
  • @yingtaoli4966
    作为一个中国人,我尊重约翰·米尔斯海默及其现实主义理论,但我并不认同。 中国不会在军事上制定打败美国的战略,因为美国无法被打败(美国拥有巨量的核武器)。从古至今,所有的帝国都不是被外部敌人打败的,都是由于帝国内部的腐朽崩溃的。中国的策略是继续强大自己,立于不败之地,然后坐等美国犯错然后崩溃。 中国不必掠夺就能富裕强大,而美国必须靠掠夺才能维持霸权,得道多助失道寡助,美国霸权最终会自我毁灭。
  • @sun4nicolya
    This is probably the best interview with Prof. Mearsheimer. And a great respect to the host for very thoughtful questions. I am Russian, but I have been listening to Prof. Mearsheimer with great interest for a long time. He is one of the best, if not the best, political theorist.
  • In my opinion, it is the best interview of Professor John Mearsheimer available on Youtube.
  • @EliDahi
    Oh, what a great interview. The interviewer’s carefully chosen questions and his slaw and calm style in asking, and Mearsheimer’s famous style in answering clearly and very convincing, make the interview look like a master peace for teaching in journalist University.
  • John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs are like the oases in US think tank now, especially in foreign policy toward China and Rusia. Hats off to you pak Gita to present them to talk.
  • @johnstrawb3521
    As someone said, no one looks happier talking about disaster than John Mearsheimer.
  • @yetty4032
    ❤ great teacher lucky to have such a knowledge person .every time i listen gives me more clarity and learn more real political world Thank you sir ❤
  • @Bulelengman
    Never in my life I would imagine a free accessible talks from John Mearsheimer. Terima kasih banyak Pak Gita..
  • @zlatkopodrug9437
    Thank you interviewer for never cutting and interrupting. Prof. Mearsheimer.
  • @JohnEhrhart
    I'm not convinced that only the powerful survive. What about those who successfully cooperate well? What about the powerful empires that have fallen throughout history?
  • Merci mille fois pour cet entretien -- On respire, finalement. --- Aux Etats-Unis, jamais je n´oserai partager cette vidéo avec mes collègues : je serai virée. -------En France, Colonie timide .....colonie plus timide des Etats Unis que l´Allemagne .... non plus.... Pourtant, je respire ..... le naturel de M Mearsheimer, Ah le bonheur ... Merci !
  • @andirosilala8192
    Tidak ada channel youtube di Indonesia yang kualitas narasumber dan kualitas diskusinya berkelas seperti Pak Gita, yang selalu bisa mengeksplor pemikiran narasumber dengan baik. di sini kita bisa melihat bahwa sebagus apapun narasumber, kalau host nya tidak bisa mengimbangi dengan leading pertanyaan yang bernas juga, maka hasil diskusi tidak akan berkualitas. pak gita tahu kapan mendengarkan, kapan menanggapi dengan menchallenge dst. 1 jam lebih tidak terasa dan kayak masih kurang.
  • @secozy
    Kita diberi kuliah umum gratis materi tentang realisme. Sangat menarik dimana narasumber dan host saling diskusi dengan penguasaan materi yg rumit. Terima kasih pak gita. Podcast pak gita jadi chanel yg paling saya sukai.
  • @masnarto5973
    Terima kasih pak Gita Wiryawan , I really enjoyed your conversation with Dr. John Mearsheimer as a fellow Brooklynite and especially the Brooklyn accent that I missed . Menunggu program berikutnya pak 🙏🙏🙏
  • @user-jh8he1np7s
    wawancara anda sungguh berkelas semua... terima kasih sudah share percakapan yang cerdas dan mencerahkan...
  • @balticdiver5650
    I´m from Germany and the medial perception and evaluation of such phenomena is of outrageous asymmetry. It is unbearable. Impressive talk, it's nice that there is still reason to be found in the exuberant propaganda. Great thanks to Prof Mearsheimer to give realism a hearing in this madness.
  • @manawa-2872
    WOW... as an International Relations student... I am amazed with this podcast session. I mean. I've been following you on Instagram and YouTube as well for more than 5 years and this is the most appealing talk I ever watch. Watching both of you makes me tremendously happy, because I can see and comprehend ideas and views from this Outstanding Scholar. Dankjewel Pak Gita.