Public Shaming: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Publicado 2019-03-17
John Oliver talks about the power of public shaming, good and bad.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Moire9
    "Every twenty-two year old is some form of an idiot" 22-year-olds: "Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with"
  • @sennataylor592
    Imagine putting all the blame on a 22-yr old and ignoring the 49-yr old married man and President of the United States.
  • @ingridmiller6188
    "Think of the dumbest thing you did when you were young. Not the dumbest thing you got Caught doing- the dumbest thing you Did" What a hilariously effective way to engender empathy!
  • @garygary4856
    I'm so impressed with Monica. It's amazing she didn't turn to drugs or alcohol or even commit suicide. What a strong will and character. Also, I enjoyed how serious he took the interview. Shame on all the people like Jay Leno who set out to just ruin her life. Disgusting "entertainment".
  • @tekbarrier
    "Think of the dumbest thing you did when you were young" Tucker Carlson: nervously looks at his Roomba
  • @BolasDaGrk
    I don't understand why she got more heat than Bill, who to remind the public, was married and the president of the United States.
  • @edgarturner370
    I have become a Monica Lewinsky fan. To go through all the shaming she endured and be abled to laugh at herself shows an inner strength and character only a very few people possess.
  • I think I’ve come to realize why LWT is so successful, John and his team know when to joke and when to be serious. Throughout most of the interview he was serious and let Monica set the tone and make most of the jokes, which brought the point home in a respectful but fun way.
  • @Lunar_Blacksmith
    “Nobody has ever asked Bill Clinton to change his name.” Powerful. Absolutely powerful.
  • @Marqan
    Let's not miss the point that a woman was required to sue a family memeber just to get healthcare. Murica #1
  • As a father to two daughters, I cannot fathom the pain of one of mine going through what Miss Lewinsky did. However, I also cannot fathom the pride your family must feel in you. You are an inspiration. Thank you.
  • @deneithomas8424
    I’ve watched this episode at least 5xs and every time I get more and more enamored by Monica’s poise, grace and resilience. I might have laughed and poked fun at her situation then but now I absolutely admire her courage, tenacity and her ability to forgive herself. She’s aging so gracefully, so beautiful inside and out!
  • "Every 22 year old is some version of an idiot." As a 22 year old, I wholeheartedly concur.
  • @Yahula1edits
    "No one ever asked Bill, if he wanted to change his name" I don't know why, but that hits deep.
  • @milliewoo337
    I experienced public shaming in my hometown during my teen years and was ostracized by everyone I knew. The number of times I thought of taking myself out, it’s a miracle it didn’t happen. Look at what Lewinsky made of herself, of her horrific experience- she probably felt the same way so many times, but she’s still here, and now she stands as an example for how to endure this type of experience and recover. She’s a role model. Never discount your own trial and the value that it can provide to others. It heals me to listen to her.
  • The story about wearing a black beret at a friend’s 90s themed party is so funny. I love Lewinsky’s sense of humor, and her ability to have grown out of such a shitty situation and found ways to use humor to process it.
  • @JohnDoe-wx1jf
    I love how John Oliver takes responsibility and gives an apology. Good Guy.
  • @AnaMaria-ww4iy
    “Every twenty two year old is some form of an idiot” Me, a 22 year old: I accept this, and even find comfort in it
  • @alexburchell1891
    “No-one ever asked Bill Clinton if he was going to change his name.” Absolute BOMBSHELL. Great interview - super informative, interesting and incredibly candid, but also done in a very respectful way. John Oliver is an absolute class act.
    John Oliver's reaction to being called Alvin by Monica Lewinsky is 100% my favorite moment in last week tonight ever.