"HOBBY TOURISTS" Don't Exist in Wargaming

You may have heard someone called a 'hobby tourist' - you may have been called one yourself. The truth is: hobby tourists don't really exist.

Vince Venturella and I made another game! Check out Deth Wizards at www.dethwizardsgame.com/

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コメント (21)
  • "Games workshop don't listen to the opinions of paying customers" 😂 got me!
  • Anyone who's been in the hobby less than me is a tourist. Anyone who's been longer than me is simply out of touch. When will the world finally realise I'm the only one that's right?
  • I was called a hobby tourist in a discussion because I simply pointed out how much GW has barrowed from other sci-fi and fantasy sources to build 40K. Meanwhile, here I am, reading my copy of Rogue Trader and remembering when I opened my first box of actual plastic space marines back in 1988.
  • @Swooper86
    I was a hobby tourist earlier this year. I went to visit Warhammer World in Nottingham. That was hobby tourism.
  • I can't imagine why anyone would care how other people choose to do their hobby thing. Some people read 40K lore and never play the game, others build and paint models, but never play the game. Enjoy the hobby however you choose to do it.
  • Sorry guys, it’s me.. I requested the price hike. I’m sorry 😢. Don’t know what I was thinking
  • I like to think hobby tourists as people who travel to other cities for the purpose of Wargaming. Like going to adepticon, garycon, libertycon, dragoncon... Or even just like when I traveled from Ohio to Virginia to game with my friends one weekend each month. Japan to Virginia for monthly gaming is just not possible on my income.
  • I have one quibble with this. Most of my overseas travel (in a touristy way) has been either exclusively or partly so I could attend Gen Con. Technically speaking I am an actual Hobby Tourist - just not in the way it's used online.
  • I’ve been in a number of fringe hobbies… some of which later grew to be mainstream. In every case, the hobby community has been extremely welcoming to new people who love the same things they do. But anyone’s who’s been at this as long as I have knows about the new guy who has this great idea… …that a new guy suggests every couple of years… …and that has been tried a few times… …and it never works… Calling someone a tourist is impolite, but then again shooting down the same stupid idea again and again is tiresome, I get that. Serious question: what should you call people who say Space Wolves should stop wearing furs and pelts to prevent real life animal cruelty? This is a real thing in case you weren’t aware. Some people go to a Corvette fan meeting to tell Fords are way better. Maybe they genuinely believe that, maybe the just do it to rile up people, I don’t know. But I do know they exist.
  • I did ask for that price hike ... it was an experiment in reverse psychology. Sadly, it failed.
  • @lurchvater2387
    I would call someone a hobby tourist if that person does participate only when visiting a friend who does all the work. The visiting person just comes over, no rules, no minis, no nothing...gets an introduction, plays the game, then leaves, only to come back a year or what later to play again, again with no preparation at all. And to make that clear: that's totally ok, most boardgame evenings with friends work like that
  • I've been called a hobby tourist even though I've been in the hobby since 83....lol
  • I build scale models and have a small webshop that sales conversion kits, kits and figures. I always say, 'You do you". It would be great if a customer builds and paints a diorama with my kits, as realistic as possible. But, if they decided to use hot glue to build that model and paint it with a huge block brush and calls it wonderful... Who am I to call him a hobby tourist... Or a bad modeller... If he is happy... Who am I? If he sees that it is not what he wanted, then he will do better next time. I have had a customer, bought figures for a diorama. He was clearly a terrain and vehicle modeller. But, the figures were not at the same standard. He was really happy! Who am I tell him to do a drybrush and edge highlight. A light wash on the face... Who....am....I...? A different customer bought a kit, he painted the camouflage print with a paint brush...not the neatest paint job, but he did the best he could. He was happy with this results. Who am I to say that he needs to use an airbrush... But on a facebook group, people complained that he needed to do better. Everyone has a different approach and different tast. Not everyone is 'Night Shift', Vincy-V or Ninjon. People are not the same in quality. You do you!
  • I think Hobby tourist is sorta version of older term Wild Fan. That was someone who isnt really part of fandom and just follows current popcuture fashion. Example you would have old comic nerd going to comicon for 30 years and colleced hundreds of comic books vs kid who saw 5 latest Marvel movies and now is greatest comic expert.
  • @tychoMX
    This one made me chuckle. The first thing that came into mind when I heard “someone doing more in the hobby “ I immediately thought “That’d be Vince!”
  • I think there is a certain irony in calling out those who use the term "Hobby Tourist" by declaring them to be "Conspiracy Theorist" - the original pejorative term used to shut down anyone whose argument you disagree with. Just sayin'.
  • Im 48 years old and have been in the hobby since '87. I dont engage with many hobbyists online because there's way too many crazy people getting extremely angry over what seems (at least to me) like almost nothing. However, I did get a really good belly laugh that time a bunch of random rabid anime pfps called John Blanche - JOHN BLANCHE - a tourist. I mean, if you dont know how important that man is to Warhammer, chances are you're the 'tourist' in this situation, my friend. 🤭
  • @danriehl4244
    As someone with ADHD, I pick up and drop physical games pretty quickly and often. I like the idea of Wargames, but I'm not good at them and I don't really have many people around me to play, but I still pick up small forces or intro sets, obsess over the rules, and then drop them after a week to a month. That's all to say that I think I qualify as a hobby tourist lol. I spend money to visit (try) a country (game), but eventually still leave to go home (drop it in an ever-growing pile of shame). Lorcana is the current exception, as all rules have.
  • I agree with the fundamentals of the discussion, but I have to disagree with the position the large corporations are solely motivated by sales and don't listen to outside "voices". The positions/consequences for large corporations such as Anheuser-Busch, Tractor Supply Company, John Deere, and Disney does indicate that corporations are not immune from making decisions based upon their perception of societal trends