Frustrated hiker compiles list of most crime-targeted trailheads in western Washington

Published 2023-04-27
As the sun comes out, trailhead parking lots are starting to get packed with cars. Car break-ins and thefts at trailheads are becoming a growing problem. One man decided to document this and found the most targeted trailheads in our area.

"Is hiking safe? Absolutely. Are there some really bad trailheads? Absolutely," said the man, who asked not to be named for safety reasons,

He started compiling vehicle break-in data last year after seeing windows smashed at a trailhead.

Read the full story here:…

All Comments (20)
  • @godadone
    Sniper in the bushes would take care of the problem.
  • @dondenis1500
    I hike in area that are way out of the Seattle metro. Hikes that require long forest roads to ge to the trail head tend to be safer as thefts will tent not to take the time and effort to get to the trail heads.
  • Thank you so very much for your help with reducing the amount of crime in the area 👍
  • @derekz8074
    maybe law enforcement could due an undercover sting operation then let criminals go the next day
  • @godadone
    How about police officer hiding in the car?
  • @richliu02
    When it starts to go down, there is no turn back.
  • Why can’t people bring a backpack and put in valuables to take with them on the hike? No valuables means no break ins once the bad guys realize it’s over.
  • raise the Fee to go to public funded parks? yir out of yir mind sir. how's about we punish criminals for stealing property? you start there then maybe we talk about more moneys for the parks i used to go to as a kid for FREE!!!dang this story really P me Offf
  • @fl0wbee
    So his solution is a modest increase in discover passes?
  • @henryc1000
    1:05 the lawlessness in the Seattle area doesn’t fall far from the tree! Oh well…
  • @MP-wg8pd
    Uber in, guys. I'm an Uber driver and I drop off people at the trailheads near me all the time.