Warhammer 40,000 Mechanicus Soundtrack - 8. Overlord

by Guillaume David

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コメント (21)
  • "Most electronic music has a base drop, Mechanicus has a pipe organ" - MandaloreGaming, 2020
  • “What kind of music do you like?” “It’s complicated...”
  • When a game gives you the option to kneel down for prayer instead of advancing or setting up fireing positions and this results in the enemy countermeasures getting purged from the systems, you know shit got real.
  • Imagine thinking this is your boss music when you wake up, but 6 tube-dudes just pray so hard that your armor evaporate.
  • That feel when you have existed for untold millennia, fought the War In Heaven, brought the Old Ones to their knees, and lay in eternal slumber awaiting your prophesized return... Only to get woken up by a group of cracked up Toaster-Mormons high on Cognition who scream prayers at you in binary and kick your shit in with whatever garbage they were able to strap onto their bodies.
  • i always imagine this as a combat prayer/hymn for techpriests to inspire them during particularly dangerous fights
  • @AlshainFR
    Most 40k games' OSTs, while excellent for most of them, are in the end just bombastic/martial sounding orchestral music. Mechanicus' is the only one that makes you feel that marriage of dark sci-fi and medieval religiosity that 40k is all about. Take the Space Marine or Sister of Battle theme from DoW 1 for instance: you could put it over fantasy paladins and no one would bat an eye. Same with Battlefleet Gothic, put one of the combat tracks over some generic battle scene from any fantasy game and it fits. But this right there, screams "we have plasma pistols, cybernetics and go to space... but we also burn candles, write on parchment in dog latin and battle demons" with every note. Gothic themed electronic music is the best possible genre for 40k music.
  • @geniemiki
    I suggest that we start petioning gothic style churches mostly throughout Europe to lend us their real estate for a night or two and play only WH4OK gothic cathedral dubstep. Coseplay compulsory.
  • Funny how this song goes from making you soil yourself at the Necron Lord’s power to being inspiring as you hear it before winning against Agrolekh in the last mission
  • Damn, that first tutorial mission, when Lord Agrolekh is awoken and you need to survive for 6 turns... I decided to attack him with both of my techpriests, before I investigated him with servoscull. I didn't know how much damage I dealt and then his turn happened... And so he just ripped half of both my techpriests' HP with a single strike. Then I investigated: 40HP and huge armor... And only one single word remained in the head: RUN! Run, priests, run! And this song was just perfect for that situation XD
  • What faction in the 40k universe has the best music? And why is it the Mechanicus?
  • I never thought that making an Organ the base drop would ever work. This is an INSANELY underrated soundtrack Edit: Base, not bass
  • Imagine a Necron Overlord playing this song as he rises from the ground to take over a planet.
  • This song was foreshadowed by Lost Civilization. Same cadence and similar motifs. That was the calm. This is the storm.
  • @eli8444
    "MACH-SHEEBAH!!!" I love the pissed off noises the Tech Priests make when they use the Machine Spirit attacks.
  • This one track hits me hard. The chant suddenly blasting off is the best part for me.