Dr. Elaine Kamarck explains DNC convention process: Selecting new Presidential and VP nominees, etc.

Elaine C. Kamarck is a senior fellow in Governance Studies and director of the Center for Effective Public Management at the Brookings Institution and a longtime member of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Rules and Bylaws Committee. In this interview conducted prior to Biden's withdrawal, Dr. Karnarck explains that no new process is required because the power delegates have to decide the nominee is historic. She elaborates on how the process will work, and options that delegates will want to consider. Dr. Kamarck has authored several books on party process such as "Primary Politics: Everything You Need to Know about How America Nominates Its Presidential Candidates". The interview was hosted by grassroots group Delegates are Democracy (www.delegatesaredemocracy.com), and conducted by Chris Dempsey on July 24, 2024.

Captions note: Remarks by Kamarck are indicated as [EK], those by interviewer as [CD].

Delegates are Democracy website: www.delegatesaredemocracy.com

👉 Highlights
00:25 Introduction
08:18 History of party delegate system of the Democratic party.
12:10 Background on why pledged delegates have had the authority to vote for other candidates.
14:38 Death of the robot rule in early 80s. The fiction that a dem candidate must release delegates.
16:40 In what circumstances would the escape provision "in all good conscience" justifiably be exercised?
20:21 Who are the 4000 delegates who will choose Biden's replacement?
23:35 What is the role of the DNC and Convention rules committees, and why they were considering a virtual roll call prior to Biden leaving the race?
29:32 Why the new Democratic nominee will likely appear on the Ohio ballot despite its deadline.
31:08 What is the convention process in the case of Biden leaving the race?
35:15 How will the Vice Presidential nominee be selected?
38:02 Florida delegate and congressional delegate Jennifer Adams question: How do I best navigate through the rules committee process at the convention?
39:55 What are the opportunities for delegates to participated in the rule making process?
40:59 What is Elaine's advice on how a delegate should ascertain on how their district would like them to vote for the new ticket?
43:38 Why does Elaine think there will be not much of a contest for the Presidential nominee? Does she think Kamala Harris will be the nominee?
47:28 Information on Delegates are Democracy

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