What is a Disciple?

Published 2019-05-13
In the Mass Readings Explained video series for this week Dr. Pitre discusses, among other things, what it means to be a disciple.

He discusses the type of love that will be distinctive of his disciples: namely, agape -- sacrificial love. That is the supreme expression of love that will draw others to Jesus.

This love is the same type of love Jesus will express for us. And so, when Jesus calls his followers his disciples, he is really calling them his students -- and students imitate their masters in 1st Century Judaism.

Jesus isn't just calling his disciples to be believers but to be his students: Study what the master says, listen to what the master teaches, and to do what the master does.

Jesus' call for his disciples, therefore, goes well beyond merely believing in Jesus.

Find Bible studies by Dr. Brant Pitre here: catholicproductions.com/collections/brant-pitre

Visit Dr. Pitre's website here: www.brantpitre.com/

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All Comments (15)
  • @debraleslie3131
    Thank you so mmuch...I got baptized friday May312019 Your teachings mean alot 4ever grateful
  • I write a weekly insert for our parish bulletin and these videos of Dr. Pitre's have become, for me, a great source of inspiration and foundational resource on which to build my writings. I don't always use these [videos], and in fact this is probably only about the third time I have. But the point is that the explanations of the underlying meanings of the texts are unparalleled in my experience. I hope and pray they will continue to post these videos for the edification of all who happen by. Oh, and don't forget to "Like" the videos. At the time of my watching, there have already been 400 views and only 40 likes. I find it hard to believe that only 10% if viewers actually like, that is, get anything out of these videos.
  • On the date of the apparitions of Mary in Fatima --- Mary, the model disciple and our Mother in Grace, pray for us and for Dr. Pitre! Please keep these videos coming, Dr Pitre. I have not seen a better, more accessible and more useful YouTube video on discipleship: references to Scripture, Tradition, and reason in less than 7 minutes - Wow!
  • Billy Graham once said, "Salvation is free, but discipleship costs us everything we have. To be a true disciple, we follow Christ, to learn from Christ, to become like Christ so as to reflect Christ within our family and community. Discipleship was always meant to be primary focus of every Christian believer.
  • @glennlanham6309
    difference between knowing intellectually and loving with the will reminds me of Newman's Grammar of Assent.
  • @rody3199
    I reccomend for you guys to do a video on Sedevacantism in the future, because it is the biggest roadblock in my faith right now. I am sure it will help others as well. Their (MHFM) materials seem very convincing.
  • @Bjt5081
    God Bless Dr. Pitre! I think you can convert Ben Shapiro. 😁
  • @nhartigan72
    So many have been led to believe that all they must do is "believe" in Christ & they will be saved. They then go under the label Christian, while treating others poorly & living their lives more as the enemy, which confuses people & puts Christ in a bad light. Even the enemy "believes in Jesus", but he too lives as he so desires. We as disciples, need to work harder at clearing up this misunderstanding in the main stream.
  • Disciples are man made beliefs off of Gods statement. In his case and words “false beliefs” Connotation: Usually made by people who disregard his exact words to describe a sense that “well this is somewhat okay”; just a bit off to approval.