6 Minutes of HIDDEN War Thunder Details!


コメント (21)
  • Know of any other hidden details? Leave a reply and they might be included in future videos!
  • 5:15 its the same shell, its how much it penetrates relative to the other shells, or something like that.
  • The reason why the PG-02's 3000 to 450 is because. Both the Historians and Gameplayers. Of WT at least for Japan were having arguments whenever it should just be left the way it is or not. So Gaijin decided just to do both.
  • I KNEW IT! I've been looking at Russian MBTs for years thinking, "is the barrel angled down? I can't quite tell," and now I know the truth. Is this the case for some Chinese ones as well? I sometimes get the same sense whilst staring at the Type 96 and 99.
  • The F-14's asymmetric thrust nozzles are because of a quirk in it's design. There are two hydraulic systems in the F-14 and each is powered by one of the F-14's two engines. By default, if the plane is on the ground and there is thus "weight on wheels", the thrust nozzles default to opening fully to reduce exhaust speeds and lessen the effect on ground crew that have to walk behind the engines. When weight is off the wheels (as in when the plane is airborne), the thrust nozzles default to the closed position for improved thrust, only opening when the afterburner is engaged. They also default to the closed position when there is an electrical system failure to ensure that you have thrust as if you were airborne whilst the controls revert to old fashioned hydraulic manual leverage. The right side engine should be shut down first and so that engine defaults to the closed position. Then hydraulic power is lost when the left side engine is shut down, so that nozzle stays in the weight-on-wheels open position. This can then be adjusted, if needed, by ground crew once both engines are offline and presumably after they've cooled down.
  • 2:42 Not only that, but if you fire without power and turn on your engine, getting some battery power, in the last few seconds of the reload, you can hear the autloader properly working again, this also happens when you don't have ammo inside the autoloader, as soon as the reload count reaches that 7.1s mark, the autoloader will restart.
  • @jfv2312
    Oh man the F-14 jet exhaust... OH MAN. Another thing I can't unsee now is the Radkampfwagen 90 not having driver optics at all. This is apparently accurate to the real vehicle, posted about it yesterday in the WT Subreddit
  • The Mikulin M17 engine that powers the KV-1 is a license-built BMW VI engine as found on the 1.0 Do17 as well as the german Reserve biplanes. For many planes, the automatic engine control will not open the radiators at all during WEP, and using manual engine control is much more effective. A great example is the Ki-61-II Otsu Kai. Usually, you can't stay on WEP for more than 30secs-1min as it will overheat, but even with the radiator at just 20-30% on a cold map, you can WEP for the entire battle granting you an extra 200hp-ish. This also applies to the Bf110s and many bombers for example.
  • Funny you mention weight of ammo, the 40mm vickers hurricane handles significantly better after all your ammo is gone…
  • @kiri101
    5:13 - just a guess, are the shells coming out of different length barrels/different gun systems? They might have different muzzle velocities and thus different penetration values
  • 5:43 Repairing damaged t-34's with different roadwheels was actually very common during ww2, cause the tank was manufactured by several different factories, some even had slightly different turret shapes and armor thickness. Also they are interchangeable between t-34, 44 and 54/55. When the production of the t-34 ended, many tanks that were still operational untill the 60's had their wheels and tracks replaced by those from the t-55.
  • Thing about F-104S-ASA RWR is it's realistic so it will never change
  • If you zoom in into a vehicle in the hangar, the more you zoom the more blurred the background gets
  • I grew to inherently believe that: Fully Upgraded/Capable Aircraft = Spade BECAUSE Fully Capable Pilot = Ace They were just trying to stay linear with their reasoning lol
  • You forgot about the F-105D. It also only carries chaff for countermeasures.