W6 Largos - Mirage (24k8)

dps.report/Jno6-20200523-191625_twins (34k6 P1, 29k7 P2)
Not the best log (scuffed portal strat with 1 guy leaving during the 2nd platform) but (for me) a decent P1/P2 with a few things :

BS, no SLB StanceShare, druid with Smokescale and tempest offheal
My opener is a bit different from the other PoV (and not as good) and is not consistent but here are the ideas behind

0:00 - Largos
0:15 - dash 1
while the boss is dashing, I try either to dodge + ambush, or side step outside of his dashes and spam 4 5 pistol heal 4 (the ranged skills) to get clones
Then I 3axe on the 3rd dash (here I miss my 2axe during the dashes, which kept me from having 3clones and using 3axe)
0:56 - dash 2
we lacked dps and this dash meant a overall DPS loss, rip
I saw an unused crystal on the ground as well, do not be like me

1:16 - Kenut
1:28 - boonstrip
The tempest let the boss boonstrip him but he had no quickness (and a bit of prot) so no dps increase
1:33 - wave
I did a crappy 2clone axe3 instead of jumping the wave, don't do that I guess, always use axe3 with 3 clones (the 2nd mirage left around this time)
1:58 - wave
I jumped this wave as axe3 was still off cd
2:05 - rez
be a nice guy, get the 1334 xp bonus
4:00 - 25% phases
4:52 - rez
You already rezed 1 guy for the log, this is enough just DPS

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