KNOCK AT THE CABIN Ending Explained!

Publicado 2023-02-03

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jewski6852
    Dave Bautista is 100% the stand out actor of this
  • @JohnSmith-ks3qk
    I genuinely think there being no twist was the best twist of all !! I really enjoyed this movie and the fact there wasn’t a daft twist at the end actually defied my expectations in a positive way.
  • @gonaye1
    I really enjoyed this movie! It was a disturbing, claustrophobic ride and I felt so much sympathy for every character
  • @TheJim42069
    I like how when at the end the guy was finding all of the horsemen belongings he found the picture of the girl and her son after saying he didn't even believe she had a child.
  • @e3vL1
    The disasters didn't feel that impactful like the ending of glass. It felt like it only affected parts of the world and not all of it
  • @TheSkeletonVA
    Good to know the trailer for the film was basically just the entire film. Saved me 20 bucks!
  • @richard1493
    It feels like there wasn’t enough of a convincing argument or effort made by the captors to prove that what they were doing was real. The captives were right to resist to the end because that was logical for them to do in their situation, but the film ending without any resolution or even just some dumb twist really made it disappointing. They were compelled to be there by some mysterious higher power but they couldn’t be assed to be convincing.
  • @Teddyluvsbrick
    I honestly went into this movie with low expectations, but I was honestly impressed in the end. The two dad's and their daughter had to make the ultimate sacrifice to save humanity.
  • @clamstrips
    My wife and I enjoyed the film. I didn't walk away feeling disappointed with the ending . I'm glad it ended the way it did . At least there was a payoff .
  • @vysharra
    The colored shirts seemed to correlate to the horses of the 4 horsemen too.
  • @DragonDruids
    To me, the issue with this movie seems to be that it really doesn’t have anything to say beyond a very bland and wafer thin message about the cruelty vs inherent worth of humanity. One that is undercut by the couple literally having no other option at the end. Either one of them sacrifices themselves or the three of them soon perish in the remains of the world ravished by apocalypse. This is not a character coming to see the value and good in the people around them, this is a person forced to murder their loved one while an omnicidal monster of a god holds the rest of the world hostage. In a dark way that may have been interesting plot if leaned into, but no it’s hand waved away as “a divine plan”. No real character arcs and nothing new said.
  • @kkelseym
    I didn't read the book but I did read the summary on Wiki and I think I prefer the actual ending. Spoiler for people who may be interested in reading it but in the book they accidentally shoot Wen and neither of the dads sacrifice each other so the apocalypse happens anyway and the book just ends like that. Very bleak but I liked it.
  • @LucidSomniari
    I feel like it would have been more interesting if it turned out their captors had also refused to make a sacrifice. The twist could have been that they are attempting to weasels their way out of the choice themselves by convincing others to do what they couldn’t/can’t. Maybe the original visions they received were different and the captors themselves set things in motion due to their own selfishness and bad decisions.
  • @GaiusPompay
    Batista is a great actor as far as I'm concerned.
  • M. night is an excellent story teller and phenomenal director. He doesn't get the credit. Anyway, the point of his movies are to tell unique come out enjoying his work. It's doesn't always has to be same. the point is is tells you a some cases he is uniquely surprising the audience the end and in some cases like The Happening and Knock At The Cabin...he is trying to make a point...which is to be nice to mother nature (The Happening) and be nice to other human beings (Knock At The Cabin). Mr. Shyamalan is trying to do his part and be some of hist stories about humanity and teaching us lesson. People nit pick about his movies but when it comes to movies like Batman and who can fly and die and come back to these are ridiculous stories are OK to them.
  • @arkauthor
    The real twist was that it didn't follow the book ending.
  • @chanvit2
    I watched your breakdown video because I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss the twist. I kind of felt the same when I saw Nope expecting there to be more.
  • It seems that whenever the plot in one of Shamalamadingdong’s has a world ending plot it tends to fall short. Maybe he should stick to more character driven fare.