Strategic Perspectives Classics - Cris Putnam

From our 2015 Strategic Perspectives Conference, Cris Putnam presents a presentation titled "Astrobiology: The ‘Science’ With Nothing To Study"

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コメント (21)
  • Cris was one of the best speakers I've seen and the first apologist to get my attention and wake me up, which ultimately led to my salvation and being truly alive in Christ, after 35 years of being lost in this world. Thank you Cris Putnam!!! My condolences and prayers go out to all of his family and friends. He, and Chuck Missler, will be greatly missed and praise God for His amazing Grace and all the lives and hearts being saved and changed as He works through His word and wonderful teachers like this!
  • Both Chuck and Chris are with Jesus Christ ! They both impacted my life as super positive male role models in Christ . God bless them we will see them soon !
  • @brrrayday
    What an excellent scholar and speaker. The world is truly less without him, but his contributions will continue to enlighten as long as men seek out truth
  • A great man through whom the Most Holy Spirit achieved great work during his time here on earth. May he rest in the Peace of Christ.
  • God bless and rest you brother... your faith is now sight ... see you in the clouds, Chris.
  • Now I'm gonna cry :( I truly loved listening to him talk
  • Thankful for Cris and his dedication to Jesus and his family, and to education us. God bless him very much.
  • I use to watch Tom horn and Chris Putman years ago when they would go on Christian television and talk about their book and very interesting things. Very sorry to hear Chris has passed away. Peace and blessings to his family in the name of Jesus. Amen
  • My condolences to Cris' family. My prayers are with them. I'm only 2 years younger than him and, believe me, I think about my mortality everyday now. I'm not exactly old yet, and neither was this well mannered and humble man. We are, however, 'older'..and, there is a difference. With age comes wisdom. I honor and respect Mr. Putnam and have read both of his books on the Vatican. His quiet, humbleness carried over to the books. There are two. Petrus Vaticanus and Exo-Vaticana. If you haven't read the follow-up (Exo-Vaticana) I highly recommend it. It goes into detail about the 'pope scope' or project L.U.C.I.F.E.R which, as Cris said, he has been to. Just be ready to invest some time as both books are huge and time consuming, packed with tons of info. Very interesting, indeed. They really open the eyes to what the Vatican is really all about. As for Cris, himself? Anytime someone 'exposes' something, there always seems to be foul play. I'm not sure about his personal health issues..but, I know whenever I complain about an ache or pain, I always hear "..oh, you're young!" Age has nothing to do with HOW I have used my body. In my case, it's years of construction work - and it taken a toll! I'm not going to go full-on conspiracy here, Cris' death sure is strange and unexpected. Yes, Mr. Putnam will truly be missed..again, my heart goes out to the family. God be with them in their time of grief..
  • If there was more intelligent beings out there WHY WOULD THEY have ANYTHING to do with the beings on this planet. I truly hope that Jesus returns soon. I hope and pray that He does. I know I do not want to be here anymore. God bless the Living God Almighty and the preaching to true believers.
  • We all must do our part and spread the good news while we still can be bold be brave be humble but be quick he is on his way
  • The Cambrian Explosion was the greatest enigma to Darwin's theory of evolution. He never had to face the problem of explaining the double helix of DNA.
  • @lgriestra
    Great scholar. I miss him very much. I really hope K-House will give us, God willing, many more like him .
  • @bosse641
    What a sad loss. ...such a likeable guy Cris. .....missed already.
  • @joysses
    I feel like crying. Chris, I will see you in heaven.