Design Thinking: A Hands-on Workshop (Full Session)

Published 2013-07-11
Join Design for Change founder Kiran Bir Sethi in a hands-on workshop where you yourself become a designer, and learn how to put your ideas for a better world into action! Engage in the type of creative challenge that has inspired and empowered over 25 million children across the globe -- in 34 countries and over 300,000 schools -- to design innovative pathways to change.

All Comments (13)
  • Great workshop. Simple understanding. Creative, redesign and solving problems. Simply awesome. Chill
  • @lohumihem
    Is the wallet example copied from another video?
  • I think your workshop was great. Great pacing kept everyone engaged. Although participants may not have known the process of design thinking, they accidentally went through a process of thinking differently to design. I believe it was design thinking 101 and I loooved it. It is a flexible approach to most themes. Thank you
  • @kchanasyk
    I think this is a very interactive training that offers hands on experience vs. heavy on theory. I'm impressed that she was able to cover what she did in only 1 hour. Kiran and Design for Change has clearly launched a huge successful project, and this was likely just a short intro to what would be a much longer process.
  • @xoooxthanks6957
    Maybe there is a missing part that wasn't recorded but how can you do a whole workshop about design thinking without explaining the process and the different steps they have to go through. I think there is a lack in insights and commentary from the trainer. I don't know how familiar are the attendees with design thinking but this will probably leave people who never heard about it confused. PS. I started delivering trainings only 3 years ago and got interested in design thinking a few months ago. I am happy my introductory workshop to the conncept was far more interesting and explanatory than this one. Still this wasn't a bad workshop... well it depends on how much its cost was.
  • @danieltoo2008
    Wow!!! How may I participate in next available course? Previously, I worked as the business development vp for frog design. Thks
  • +listentoyouroldman very quick evaluation of yours. Your pain is that they collected $100K.
  • @bigdog6967
    yes, the structure of the course just copy from one to another with a bit of is funny and really doubt the effectiveness of this type of trainning. I just see it is kind of fashionable event.True designer come with instant talents and sense of feeling. look how many Steve Jobs around. I am not a Apple fans, I use none of the Apple product sometimes, I feeling this trainning is wasted of time and money
  • @bigdog6967
    there are more than 50 participants,, let say us200 per head, usd100k for how many days trainning? roughly 5 staffs including her husband, the guy do the blowing job, ha, with a deduction for the rental free and the stage decorations, act like a magic show, pretty quick she make a profitable money. what a change and innovation, lot of bs