you're the best thing that ever happened to me

Published 2022-04-27

All Comments (21)
  • I wish someday someone tell me that I'm the best thing that happened to them, I think I would cry instantly
  • Got dumped yesterday because she was bored of me. I only wish someday I’ll look back on this comment and edit it too I’m fine now and I’m not broken and the pain is gone. But for now I guess I’ll have to leave it here with all my pain.
  • @Dax_fame
    You know its not good when you've ended up watching this type of videos.
  • @smokerman5353
    This scene is what every one sided lover wants in their life💖
  • For those asking and have not received an answer, the movie is called Fathers and Daughters
  • When I was younger, I went through breakups that I thought would kill me. Years later I look back and wonder what I ever saw in those people. You do live, if you want to, and you do learn.
  • @iris75434
    to the people who are currently going through heartbreak, i promise it gets better. just allow yourself to move on and heal, self love is the best thing you can do. my first heartbreak got me sick both physically and mentally, id wake up and go to sleep anxious, i didnt want to talk to anyone and i didnt have joy in doing anything. i did the worst thing i could have done in that situation, i isolated myself. please surround yourself with people who make you happy and want the best for you ❤️
  • She truly is a one of kind woman. I'll never meet someone like her again. She was the 3rd, the one that came out of nowhere. The one captured me.
  • Can we just take a moment to appreciate Amanda's acting? Jeez, she's an amazing actress👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  • @casperras
    Was expecting her to say: "JESSE, WE NEED TO COOK"
  • As a girl. I did this to someone very special to me. I told him everything, why I can't do anything without him. nothing makes sense without him.. But yet He just gave up on me because I was just caring and loving too much. I gave my all to him. so just a reminder for yall.. there are many Dbags out there just be careful, don't trust too easily. For all the people blaming yourself from people leaving you.. It's not your fault.
  • @joke_army
    Sometimes you think you are not loved, sometimes you think you will never be loved... I hope we encounter people in our lives who can say such loving words.
  • @serrasam8584
    2 years since I have seen him, but I still think about him everyday. This wasn't a breakup. We just fell in love at a time when we couldn't be together for long. I loved being around him. He always felt like home. And no matter what, I believe we will find our way back to each other. I miss him. Not a day goes by when I don't imagine meeting him again. I feel like he does too. I feel bound to him, and all I want is to be with him! He's the only one I can see myself spending my whole life with! I love you smarty.💚
  • @brokenportals
    I've had genuine feelings for one person that never felt the same way towards me, it was the most devastating thing at the time. But in retrospect, I realised that those feelings were better off being given to someone more deserving, someone who saw me in the same way i saw them. It's not the end of the world, it's just the end of that chapter, and moving on is the bravest thing you can do.
  • @rcqueen01
    He said "this is enough" ,, he always let my emotions go like flowing water... And never understood them🥺🥀
  • @AveryBui1402
    This is from the movie Father and Daughter. She lost her father when she was very small and it caused her afraid of attachment so she made herself a who're to avoid commitment until she met him. Then slowly she became too scared of really wanting him not to ever be gone like her father (I believe) and she fucked another dude in the bar and let her bf know immediately. He left her of course. The song her dad lived went on display and remind her of her dad and why she's so fucked up and then this scene happened. She confessed why and then they got back together at the end. Her aunt was also the reason why she's fucked up because her aunt tried to steal her from her dad and caused his death then they took her in as their daughter and raised her in such horrible mental health condition (but they're wealthy).
  • @sss-md3hd
    To be desired is the closest thing you can get to being immortal.
  • @faheemakbar1281
    ""You are the best thing ever happen to me"" The most beautiful words to listen from some one. But these words become worst, when you got dumped by that person.
  • @dbhatija
    That vulnerability brings down all clothes of ego and pride and makes one nakedly divine