Is Nintendo REALLY Killing Gmod?

Published 2024-05-03

All Comments (21)
  • @zorgapb4691
    People are already archiving nintendo addons and sharing them across platforms. Nintendo ain't winning this one
  • @dr.holiday613
    False claims or not, it says a lot about Nintendo's character that this level of shit-storm is completely on brand and absolutely something they would do.
  • @ThenamesC
    When i saw it I thought: "that's a pretty late april fools joke"
  • @zombieranger3410
    I think it’s mostly the line “we have 20 years of add-ons to sift through and delete” that rubs me and most people the wrong way. It’s 20 years of community-made intractable culture, now being sorted into a “keep/destroy” filter.
  • @BobArctor
    "Nintendon't infringe our Intellectual Properties."
  • @Noxx55
    I am Shigeru Miyamoto and your words have moved me. Everyone on earth gets a free Mario.
  • @M64bros
    Short answer It's still a troll, The add-ons are still functional and you can still get them on the workshop. Also if rivals and left for dead 2 Still has their Mario add-ons on the workshop while Gmod is getting slapped across the face Something must be wrong. Lastly, violence against the company and wanting to kill their employees and bomb threat Their HQ won't make a difference and won't make the situation better
  • @YeEpIkAiYeI
    Nintendo being an asshole company as usual
  • @Wanaskiwin
    I feel like valve can use "Human Limit" as a legal defense for not taking down the mods. they quite literally can't stop people from uploadin it. Forgoing just GMODs mods theres probably hundreds of old Half life mods that use nintendo stuff. Look at SVEN COOP, some of that shits so buried and passed around everyone has some nintendo mod for that.
  • @pikakirby1119
    Its kind of ironic that earlier this month for April fools Sven co-op put up a news article about them taking down Nintendo related mods
  • @XDestroyoxZx
    The most simplistic explanation is that Garry is being a dumbass and wrong. I say this because it has happened many many many times in the past, unlike Nintendo nuking mods for games they don't own.
  • @Techhunter_Talon
    That's worst part about this whole situation: The fact that Nintendo isn't above doing this. Between that and the false DMCA claims, the waters are always going to be muddy even once all Nintendo related addons are gone from the Workshop... and that's bit of an 'if' considering the pushback on this where people are reuploading stuff constantly both on the Workshop and elsewhere.
  • @Skornish
    Gary is very naive when it comes to his own game. He always seems quick to make judgements like these.
  • @w1ngs2016
    i think its very weird that valve has done nothing. if garry cant contact nintendo, surely valve could right? all the portal games are on switch, so we know these two companies have worked closely in the past and should have the ability to easily communicate. shouldnt valve have an interest in this? since gmod is, at its most basic technical level, still an hl2 mod that valve has given facepunch the rights to sell on their platform, you think this would be of concern for them.
  • @Detah_
    There is some hope as reuploads aren’t being taken down and other pre existing addons are still up
  • they got rid of that 1 mario kart map that kitty0706 used and it had to be reuploaded :(
  • @johnclark926
    It’s so weird how Nintendo’s views on copyright can just steamroll everything else’s, including the actual law. Gmod is completely fine with all other copyrighted material on their platform, but Nintendo’s copyright (which is the same as everyone else’s) is just so much more powerful that they have to bend to their will. This also sets a shitty precedent for Gmod like if Disney wanted to wipe away all their stuff or if Activision Blizzard could finally eliminate those Overwatch models. Also I don’t want this to get more heated than it needs to be, but Super Mario Galaxy 2’s story was Miyamoto’s fault, not post 2012 Paper Mario. It’s also just kind of odd to kick up that dead horse now that TTYD is getting a remake, I guess there’s a slim chance they do a bait & switch and go back to the modern style after the remake but it’s hard to imagine why.