Castle Hassall - "I'm Not The Only One" (Chorus) - from the original song by Castle Hassall

I wrote the song "I'm Not The Only One" a few years ago but recently I've been thinking the chorus in it would make a Great chorus for a new Tom MacDonald song

do you think this would make a really good Tom MacDonald new song chorus???

if you think that's a good idea for him to do then please help me find a way to convince him to give me a shout to do a new song collaboration with my chorus and him rapping! about how we wish the world could be good for good hearted people

if anyone knows how to get him to think about doing that please help!

I'm at [email protected]


also I've been thinking it would be nice to do some free live stream personal concerts (just me playing a few of my songs and chatting for a while.. I thought it would be a nice thing to do) via WhatsApp video calls with people who like my songs..

so if you send me a message to Castle Hassalls WhatsApp number that I just set up just now (+447835515926) to say hi and say what songs of mine you'd like to hear then I'll get back in touch with you through WhatsApp message and we can figure out when would be a good time for us both to chill out together and me to play some of my songs and say hi.. I won't be able to always do this I just thought it might be nice to do for anyone who would really really like to hear me play my songs for you, as my way of saying thanks to you for actually liking my songs when I doubt my own abilities so much!

even if you don't want to have me play my songs it would be great to be able to keep in touch with people through messaging in case I ever lose my YouTube channel if I keep trying to speak up against injustice or oppression of good hearted people in the world so if you'd like to be in touch through WhatsApp please do, I'd always be glad to hear from good hearted people who care about how others are in the world, and we can maybe figure out how to make life better in tough times too I hope!

If you do want to get in touch via WhatsApp please just send a text message at first thanks, please don't phone the number if I don't know who your are, as I never answer calls from numbers I don't know, so if you want to say hi please send a WhatsApp message.. would be great to build links with good people..

I'm on Telegram too but I have not got a clue how to work it so if you can help me figure that out that would be awesome! the channel is "Castle Hassall" .. I only just set that account up but I'm not sure if I'll use it but if people do want to be in touch through there I'll figure it out.. my friend said it was good to use but I don't have a clue but I figured it might be nice to try!:)

the video is the chorus of my song "I'm Not The Only One".. it's about wishing life could be good when we are good hearted to others and how tough things can be when we are good hearted to others and some people are just really mean.. I really do hope that all the good hearted people in the world have really Good and Really Happy lives with Really good things happening for you from now on

I hope you have a really Good and Happy future even if I never hear from you.. please protect the good hearted people in the world any time you can.. Thanks!

Best wishes to you Always
from Rolland
at Castle Hassall

Friday the 3rd of November 2023
in The Highlands of Scotland right now

Peace! Spread Love! .. and protect and speak up for the good hearted whenever we can I hope!


you can see my Quest to try to find ways to make life better faster in tough times at ‪@PotentialTechniques‬

always glad to see you there too

see you soon I hope!.. I hope life will be Really good for you.. and if things are tough please be kind to yourself and please keep on trying to be you and don't let people stop you doing the good you hope to do in life, we'll find a way to make it happen I really really hope.. let's keep on trying, we might be able to make it work! :)

コメント (3)
  • @CastleHassall
    Hey folks, if anyone can figure out how to get Tom MacDonald to hear this please let me (or him!) know.. I keep on feeling it would make a really good chorus for him to use in a new song An early version of the full song is on my channel at this link Thanks for all your support everyone.. I really hugely appreciate all the really nice comments you've sent me on my other videos and channels thanks! Always glad to hear from you here I'm thinking of doing a few short private concerts for a few people by using my phone to do them via WhatsApp.. so if you'd like to say hi and say what songs of mine you'd like me to play you then just say in a reply to my comment here and we'll figure out a time to make it happen.. Or just say hi even if you don't want a personal concert, you really cheer up my day when I hear from you folks thanks! Best wishes to you Always from Rolland at Castle Hassall in Scotland :) Friday November the 3rd 2023