How to Be More Aggressive | Build Assertive Character

Publicado 2017-05-13

Todos los comentarios (20)
  • @sulgucci
    I aggressively liked your video 👍🏻
  • @berkantkose3222
    I'm not shy but i don't get angry. If someone harrasses me i don't feel angry, then i regret it. I've never had a serious arguement and regret it
  • @mozzy917
    First 13 seconds describes me perfectly
  • @swethareddy1186
    "..... Not being able to communicate...." That brought tears through my eyes, thank you so much for this video. 🙏🏾 Also, I know you have the video of not pleasing people, but how come you are not only pleasing but extremely lovable?
  • @oddtarot4151
    I’ve never challenged myself or dealt with something so challenging to become aggressive, I regret it so much.
  • I appreciate that this isn't some hype-y video, it's down to earth. Worth the watch.
  • @TwiStedTentom
    I used to be super soft and never speak up for myself, so I kept thinking about it fuming over it, and after 12 years, I'm not super soft anymore. I'm just an asshole now.
  • @Catthepunk
    I'm not shy, but I'm not aggressive. I'm too chill for my own good. I also fear not being able to do what I promise. So I don't take much public risk, nor do I promote myself in areas where I know I should be able to help people but it's not guaranteed that I will. I also hate embarrassing myself by saying I can do something, then I can't. I've tried overcoming that by taking risks, but so far, I even find myslef miscalculating the timing for the simplest of projects, therefore making them impossible to accomplish. I'm not gonna stop trying, but I feel like I need more aggression to make things happen when unforseen circumstances throw me off.
  • @thatlamguy
    You are so awesome at giving motivation and inspiration to people Rafael! I've been following you for about a month now and i've already seen all of your videos because what you're doing, is something amazing. Helping people the way you're doing it is not something someone can find that easily, but through your videos, you made it possible! Please keep up your good work because you are really helping a lot people out there!
  • @lordkai59
    I've always thought of being more aggressive but was afraid to. I've gotten angry a lot but either i suppress it or I'm not that truly angry. Because if i do snap, i feel like batman if he kills. If i snap, I'm never gonna come back
  • @rozaiinii
    Thanks a lot for this man.. you actually saved me from the school bullies.. Now they are scared of me
  • @niteshraj2771
    Build strength build endurance practice mixed martial arts, you know you can kick any ass on the planet.
  • @zeinalbasam4733
    It's hard to build that personallity type when you've been abused by your father ever since you were born both physically and mentally because any time you stand up for yourself or speak up you get beat up or made fun of
  • @mervesaccount
    Love the new background! And the new camera angle haha. Aaand I agree, well set goals can bring action. Keep up the good work!
  • @bishalale2893
    I was searching for a fight but you completely change my mind set thanks a lot
  • thanks Rafeal. am able to stay focus for only a couple of days and then i get distructed. what should i do please