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Even though you couldn't take home the beauty and splendor of the Czech Republic, here are some Czech things you can immediately bring to your hometown that will make your life easier, more convenient and a little more Czech!

00:00 Intro
01:03 Splitting the bill
01:49 Blood Alcohol Level
03:03 Paying for bags
04:21 Paying for toilets
05:40 NordVPN risk-free offer:
06:58 Adult summer camp
08:19 Highways
09:17 QR codes
10:29 Cleaner floors

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▶ A B O U T D R E A M P R A G U E:

Ahoj! I'm Jen, a native Californian, living in Prague, Czech Republic for the past 9 years with my husband and our rescue dog Tobik. One fateful night, we drank a bottle of wine, threw a dart at the map, and bought one-way tickets to move our entire lives to the center of Europe! Everyday we learn something new, about Czech people, Czech culture, Czech history, Czech language and how to battle the Czech bureaucracy. Dream Prague started as a place to share what we learned with other foreigners living here.

Are you considering a move, a visit, or simply interested in American culture vs. Czech culture? Subscribe and hit the bell to get notified of my latest video each week!


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▶ I R E C O M M E N D

➾ My digital How to move to Prague Course!
I cover everything from how to find a flat to finding a community and dealing with visas and other legal requirements.

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▶ M O R E V I D E O S Y O U ' L L E N J O Y

➾ The honest truth about my life in Prague:
🎬 Quality of life CZ vs. US:    • Which country has a better quality of...  

➾ Are you planning a visit to Prague?
🎬 How to Survive a Czech Restaurant:    • AMERICANS IN CZECH RESTAURANTS | How ...  
🎬 Secret places in Prague the tourists miss:    • SECRET PLACES IN PRAGUE THAT THE TOUR...  
🎬 Holiday Weekend in Prague:    • HOLIDAY WEEKEND IN PRAGUE 2020 Prague...  

➾ Are you learning Czech?
🎬 How I learn Czech:    • CZECH LANGUAGE | How I learn Czech  
🎬 My favorite language learning hack (Czech with English subtitles):    • MY FAVORITE WAY TO LEARN A LANGUAGE (...  

コメント (21)
  • @Sarlota
    Took me YEARS to train my Brittish husband to take shoes off as soon as he entred the home (we live in the UK). I knew my training was complete (8 years later) when I collapsed at home and he asked the paramedics to take their shoes off before attending to me... (they didnt, lol)
  • You forgot to mention that when the doctor prescribes you medicine, he sends you a QR code to your mobile phone that you show at the pharmacy.
  • @Dqtube
    We are more careful on highways because a Czech highway can turn into a parking lot at any time without notice.
  • Je strašně milé, že nás vidíte tak pěkně. Není všechno dokonalé, ale je potřeba vidět i ty dobré věci. Děkuji
  • Je skvělý sledovat jak čecho-američanka dělá parádní reklamu téhle naší malé zemičce 🌹😍
  • Barbaric is how the Japanese (and I) consider wearing shoes in one's house. On Japanese TV, cops chasing the bad guy into a house--without removing shoes--is sure to have viewers gasping in horror. So a decade ago, when I discovered Czechs have the same no-shoes-inside rule as Japanese, I knew I was going to love the Czechlands. Since then I still am learning of similarities between the two. How can two countries located on opposites of the world have so many similar cultural norms?
  • Excellent and so accurate. I never understood why in the US many people wear their shoes at their house. Bringing an outside filth inside. Many countries customs do not wear shoes in their homes. Japan comes to mind, too. Love your show.
  • Chování na dálnici je u nás určitě lepší než jinde, ale ještě lepší je v Německu, třeba když je někdo v rychlejším pruhu rychlejší, dojede předcházející auto, v bezpečné vzdálenosti zpomalí, nelepí se na kufr a počká, až ten před nám uhne. U nás je to tímto způsobem "žádosti o uhnutí pomalejšího auta doprava" o dost víc ve stresu a taky víc nebezpečný. :)
  • To be fair, there aren't that many public restrooms in Czechia, unless you are in a big city, train/bus station or a shopping mall. And czechs still employ the "quick visit to a restaurant" tactic just like americans. One would be amazed what really makes us all connect, regardless of nationality, mentality and across cultures :D
  • @Noah77833
    We already adopt you as Americaczech citizen.We are proud how you represent our country,world wide .Thank you🍀
  • Thank you for showcasing the QR payment codes! It was pain to get that project rolling and to break the initial chicken-egg problem ("no bank supports it in apps, no invoice issuer prints it"), bit it was worth the fight and I have a good feeling about saving millions of hours of good life a year... ;-)
  • @PD321
    V obchodních centrech jsou WC zadarmo, ale pucujouj je jako by se tam platilo. Lidi se zouvaj nejen doma. Spousta lidí se přezouvá i na pracovišti. Je to mnohem pohodlnější.
  • @Laknea
    Altough I agree with the great usability of the QR code in many situations, I don't like it when they expect you to be online all the time, like in restaurants. Happened to me several times in the US that I went to a pub that had only QR codes on tables and I didn't have local SIM, thus no way to connect to the internet. Was there free wifi since you have to look up the menu online? No. Was the wifi password available? Lol nope. Were waiters annoyed that they had to bring me the paper menu? You bet. So I'm glad that in Czech pubs, old fashioned paper menu is still more common.
  • @pletiplot
    The road law forces to use the most right lane (not within cities) if it is possible (with exception for special slow vehicle lanes) and overpass on the left. Yes sometimes someone do not obey it but generaly it works fine.
  • Za vlaky a tramvaje jsem velice rád 🙂 do nedávná jsem netušil, že to tak není všude 😅. A s tím zouváním bot 🤯 jdu parkem a vyslapnu nevědomky h*vno a pak to roznosim po domě kde má půlroční dcera leze po čtyřech 😵‍💫.. Natáčíte krásná videa 😅 učím se anglicky už přes 25let a neumím vůbec nic 🤣. Ať se vám daří 🌹💐
  • Great videos, looking forward meeting your in the future
  • @humr2346
    Veřejné záchody za peníze vypadají tak dobře, protože na ně skoro nikdo nechodí. Když to bylo dřív zadarmo, tak to taky byla katastrofa.
  • Thank you for the channel and cool videos! I’ve moved to Prague 6 months ago, enjoy the city and after your videos even more)
  • @strixcz
    Thanks for the video :) Can't agree with everything (e.g. public toilets are often really scarce to non-existent in many Czech towns, maybe except for the malls, and I'm really not a fan of QR codes, especially when they're being pushed on me with no alternative) but I couldn't agree more with the "no shoes at home" rule! :) I mean, I'm not that tidy and I'm pretty far from being obsessed with hygiene - but wearing shoes at home is just wrong on so many levels (bringing dirt inside, making your feet sweaty and prone to athlete's foot due to having shoes on all day) I don't get how it's not a norm worldwide...