Drinking Water To Lose Weight, The Water Diet !!!

Published 2015-06-25
FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/TheSeriousfitness


If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you’ve probably heard it more than once, drink more water to help you lose more weight. So can drinking more water really help you lose weight? The short answer is yes .In this video we’re going to see the important things to know about the importance of drinking water to lose weight.

Drinking water helps boost your metabolism, cleanse your body of waste and acts as an appetite suppressant. Also, drinking more water helps your body stop retaining water, leading you to drop those extra pounds of water weight.
Water aids digestion and promotes the normal functioning of many body organs including the liver. Lack of regular intake of water will slow digestion, decrease fat metabolism and give you the feeling that you are bloated and tired.

Drinking sufficient quantity of water increases the rate at which our liver burns off fat. If you drink inadequate quantities of water, your liver ends up working exhaustively thus storing more fat as it becomes difficult to burn fat more effectively.

If you want to lose weight, you should drink a minimum of eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. However, to really get the process moving, drink half your body weight in ounces each day. So, if you weigh 180 pounds, you should drink about 90 ounces of water a day -- roughly 11 glasses of water.

Drinking ice cold water helps boost your metabolism because your body has to work harder to warm the water up, therefore burning more calories and helping you to lose weight. Plus, ice cold water is just so much more refreshing than water that’s room temperature.
Replace sweetened drinks with water. Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic beverages, smoothies, or other high-calorie drinks, grab a glass or bottle of water.

Swapping in a zero-calorie beverage for high-calorie alternatives can spare you hundreds of calories per day, further aiding in weight loss.
Drink water before you eat drinking water before meals can make you feel fuller and therefore reduce your food intake as it acts like an appetite suppressant.

Health resource website WebMD states that drinking water before meals results in an average reduction in intake of 75 calories per meal. Drinking water before just one meal per day would cause you to ingest 27,000 fewer calories per year. Do the math: You'd lose about eight pounds per year just from drinking water! Now imagine if you drank it before each meal.


All Comments (21)
  • I love how they directly gone into the video without any blabbering........
  • @chalkynommy9578
    Water is such a queen. No calories, you can wash, it boosts metabolism, makes you lose weight, clears toxins, keeps your skin clear and keeps you healthy. Whoever made this is a genius.
  • @emymalti5513
    Who else watch this video while lying on bed 😂
  • drinking water doesn't just help you loose weight but it also improves the condition of the skin and scalp 😀😀☺
  • @ipsharoy7398
    THIS is how water ACTUALLY keeps you healthy - replace ALL of your beverages and drinks with water for at least a month Thank me later!
  • @ObieNina
    I'm doing it.. It's been 2 weeks already... And the result is, my skin face is more glowing and tight , my weight loss for 5kg. But instead of drinking water, I also did an exercise at least 10 minutes a day.
  • @johndeems1611
    Went on a cut, been drinking a gallon of water for the last 6 months. It was very hard to do at first and I was in the bathroom a lot at first but now it’s easy!! It has helped me lose about 40 pounds. 230-190 :) my cut is 2,300 cals. 200 grams protein
  • @jeremiah6945
    Been doing this for 6 years. Didn't know it was a real diet method till I looked it up, works like a charm. All it really takes is the want and drive to lose weight.
  • Its true i have been drinking ice water like crazy for 6 weeks and i was 265 but now im at 228 in 6 weeks my goal is to get to 185 by april
  • @e5the7
    I got an ad saying I shouldn’t exercise-
  • Remember one things, weight can be removed from your body through sweat and urine...So drink more water and exercise!🙌🏽
  • I have always thought that dieting is eating only green vegetables and drinking water. Agoge Diet proved me wrong. I am eating delicious and nutritionally rich food and still reaching my fitness goals.
  • @shashaankk2317
    I have tried and it works for me. I was eating normally as I eat but I increased water intake about 10 glasses per day.
  • @shadi3645
    Yes this is the 8th weeks of drinking 10 cups water per a day its not easy but the healthy feeling is i feel lighter energetic the pain I use to have on my neck and shoulders is gone i don't get hungry its amazing how it's changed my life.
  • @Rashy225
    Water really fills me up and makes me eat less and stop binging.
  • @gerrimiller3491
    A few extra pounds crept up on me lately during covid-19😌 I am drinking lemon water too....fat be gone🌻