Star Trek vs. Babylon 5 - The Final Fight ( Part I )

Published 2008-03-17
--- IMPORTANT --- PART II ----
   • Star Trek vs. Babylon 5 - The Final F...  
--- IMPORTANT --- PART II ----

A cross-over from Babylon 5 and Star Trek. Based on the Work of "Star Wreck", this movie shows you, what happens, if the Star Trek and the Babylon 5 universe are going to collide ;)


After a long period of "doing nothing" I started a new project, based on the great work of "Star Wreck - In the Pirkinning".

But this time I intended to work out not just a music-video, I wantend to create a cross-over-battle-movie with Star Trek and Babylon 5 as good as possible. So I recycled the major sequences of "In the Pirkinning" and started editing the videoclips and the music. After this I started with customizing and integrating the sound effects (which you usually don't have in a music video).
I needed about 4 hours for the video editing, 6 hours for looking for good music and editing the soundtracks so they fit together - but more than 16 hours for the sound effects like engines, gunfire, laserbeams, explosions and what the way, thanks to my wife for supporting me with feedback und a lot of coffee ;) :D

This time the the question "who is stronger - Star Trek or Babylon 5" will be an answered for ever! Please pay attention, the video ist split into two parts because it is 12 minutes long. You'll find the second part on YouTube here:

You can download it as an AVI here:……

And now: Enjoy the hopefully largest battle you've ever seen!

All Comments (21)
  • " Teleport 1 Photon Torpedo onto the bridge of every ship. Only 1 should do, no need to be greedy."
  • @BoydofZINJ
    For those that do not know - this is a scene from the Star Wrek parody series - where their version of Kirk, Worf, and Data went back in time and accidentally changed the time line - so they decided to enslave earth and outfit them with advance tech and invade an alternate universe (a parody of Babylon 5) where their shields were not working.  Hope that helps your debates ...  :)
  • and... not to mention that Starfleet ships don't need a jump gate to use hyperspace. they have their own warp drive to go through subspace...
  • @timian314
    Rather than get into the pointless and needlessly acrimonius debate about which 'verse has better tech, I'm just going to jump up and down over the AMAZING quality of this project. The visual effects, the sound effects, the concept and the execution are the best non-official work I've ever seen. Frankly, this is much better done than even most officially produced sequences. I'm so, so impressed. Thank you for sharing this!
  • @steveriddle313
    Oops I forgot to turn on my Shields keep it a fair fight right it's called tying one hand behind your back
  • @xadam2dudex
    Ok this is where Starfleets says "let's turn off our shields and not fire any phasers until we give them time to fire a couple 100 times"
  • @happytravelling
    I will say that this is most impressive. You have captured the feel of both fleets (except the Federation ships having shields). The hit and run tactics of the earth-mimbari vessels and the emergence of the 2nd B5 fleet to attack from the rear are well done. And the annimation is quite well done. Good job. getting ready to watch the 2nd part now...
  • @Manuss
    Despite the fact that there are no shields, the animation and the explosion are tremendously made. Well done! I really enjoyed it.
  • @somebuddyX
    What an awesome video! I love Star Wreck but every time I watch this video, without all the comedy elements, it feels like the real Babylon 5 universe being invaded by Star Trek's Terran Empire. There's this really ominous feeling when the Potkustartti is tearing through the battlefield causing mayhem or the Excavator is blasting away with it's superweapon, and I love it.
  • @dakkarnemo7281
    Did the Federation ships lower their shields just to make it fair?!
  • @r0yalz_r3be1
    The Star Fleet Vessels shouldn’t miss. They all have computerised targeting.
  • @mrtencza
    10 years later, this still holds up as a fantastic piece of work!
  • @kenwaid8239
    For those wondering when the federation ships crossed into the B-5 universe, their shield technology failed so it was a fair fight.
  • @captaincisco1747
    Gotta tell you, I happened across this and part II and was extremely impressed with the effects. Outstanding job!
  • So...just decided to not include the Star Trek ships shields? I love both series but this fight should have been one sided in Star Trek's favor.
    um he spliced the videos together from scenes of "Star wreck"
  • @kenburns4547
    Pretty considerate of Starfleet to lower their shields and conduct the battles at a snail's pace, shutting off their warp-drives, and even slowing down their weapons and replacing their ship's phasers with hand-phasers. WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?
  • @isfj1009
    The Federation captains decided to play nice and be sporting chaps and thought it would be unfair to raise their shields. In addition, they decided not to include quantum torpedoes in their volleys, and thought it would be REALLY bad form to fire volleys of transphasic torpedoes.
  • Awesome work, DarkwarriorSFN!!!! Very impressive! Looking forward to seeing part 2! You just earned a new subscriber! :)