10 REASONS why WOMEN are LOYAL to YOU When You're NOT LOYAL to THEM when Dating! (female nature)

Published 2024-07-20

All Comments (21)
  • Everyday i understand more & more why ancient civilizations had laws in place for them. It really tamed hypergamy to a great degree
  • And this is why ancient cultures did not let women decide who they should marry.
  • Casey is spot on again. As a player my success increased the more sleezy I became. What's funny about this is being the "perfect guy" is much harder and much more work than being messy, careless, and selfish. In short, women are most attracted to men who don't have a cannon fodder mindset (the need to sacrifice themselves for others). It also helps not to be "basic" or hive minded because that's a feminine trait. Masculine men think for themselves and don't need to follow others or seek group approval. That's why when it comes to your social group, it's best to either be the leader or the guy who is the most detached from the group.
  • @spruce5123
    One of the strongest attraction triggers or problems that women like to try to fix.... Is when they are really attracted to and really like a man that doesn't really care about them...... Women will continue to pursue, bend over backwards, and give the best of themselves to get that man to care more about her.
  • @TonyLear
    Come on now. Give this man a round of applause. Giving men this info for free so we can all have better lives abs families. Great marketing, delivery and extreme amounts of value. Keep killing it Casey đź’Şđź’Şđź’Şđź’Ş
  • @spruce5123
    Even if the 10 women in the room are less attractive than the 10 men in the room..... The 10 less attractive women will still reject 7 men that are actually more attractive than they are and focus on the 3 most attractive men left..... Even if they have to share them with the other women.
  • Hi Casey. I have to say I can 100% relate to the "woman love broken men" point. I remember that when I went to university and I was both heartbroken and unwilling to have any sort of relationship, many women gravitated around me and even made advances. At the time I rejected them all, I felt like shit inside. But I later observed that it was in my worst moment when they were there, trying to see if they could "help".
  • “Healthy Alphas are loyal. Other women will try to break them up bc they’re happy and happiness bothers women bc it’s not fake. Doesn’t matter if the girl is preitter”. -Rollo Tomassi
  • Look at Tom Brady on paper a 10,but his wife cheated on him.Enough said.
  • @king-nick2023
    This has been the story of my life. I had two ex's that would act right if I was talking to other women and act up if I was nice. They thrived off drama
  • @Catdaddy510
    Men, if you want to get rid of your girlfriend, treat her like a queen.
  • @painter8237
    When I was young my father cheated on my mother and ran off with the woman. I watched my mother experience so much pain because of that. I swore to myself that I would never do that to the woman I was in a committed relationship with. And I didn’t. Until I became the one that was cheated on by the woman I trusted. That’s when the player in me was born. Something I didn’t understand back then, even though my father did what he did, my mother still loved him. Or shall I say “love” as in the utility men are to women and that’s how they view it. Bottom line, don’t commit to any of them and you’re never really cheating and neither are they. All relationships are temporary, especially in this day and age. All the barriers wiser men formed to circumvent all this shit is long gone. Men of today need to stop trying to hold on to something they never had a full grasp on in the first place.
  • Women want to feel special, especially if you have other options.
  • @Dreoilin
    Bro that background lighting is fire! The content is great. It's 100% spot on. I'm 44 and lived it - keep up the good work.
  • @_GoldenGains_
    Casey. Talk to me about 'perception of leverage'. I've recently had my ex of 2.5 years break up with me. She said she wanted to marry me and have kids and a house together. So I committed to her. I didn't take any shit, stuck to improving myself, stayed on my path and she actually left me at my absolute best. I believe she lost attraction, because I agreed to commit to her and didn't 'appear' to have other options. When she broke up with me, I held my frame and said 'thats absolutely fine, c ya later'. She was devastated lol. Blocked her on everything and now I'm moving on. I've never struggled with women. One week after we've broken up now and I have 3 dates lined up. My point being, she perceived she had all the power, when really, I didn't give a shit if she left as I believe I am high value
  • @ShyMplsMale
    Always remember that the women you attract are a mirror of you in some way, shape, or form.
  • That’s a really good point about women being designed to punish what they perceive to be weakness. When a woman is done with you and the relationship, she doesn’t just want both parties going their separate ways amicably. She wants the guy to be totally broken and destroyed. (Maybe this has to do with ancient ancestral men self-deleting after such a situation, and women having primal instincts to end “weak” men’s genetics in such cases and in such a fashion).
  • Amazing how much these 10 things simultaneously make sense......AND not make sense at the same time. MASTERCLASS!
  • more i learn about these games of women more i start to dislike all of them its like a chase there is never a true love beetwen two genders its not what i thought also i experienced a women going dead cold on me and leaving me after a hardship i went thru that has totally changed way i see them i dont even belive one anymore