Trauma and giving it to God #benzowithdrawal #iatrogenicinjury #psychmedwithdrawal


コメント (21)
  • @14skmw46
    I can totally relate to how your feeling 😢 I've lost myself I'm just surviving day to day
  • @_harbinjer
    He has me thinking about you. I care about you and your life, your situation and circumstance. What it is like for you and what you feel and experience and go through. It's all important and meaningful. I agree with you, whatever you pray and ask for
  • I hope in Jesus that you will regain yourself. I hope i can regain myself too.
  • Father Mike has a new video on pain. I'm not Catholic but have received so much from his messages. I remember when my first symptoms started which I didn't know at the time was a delayed reaction to surgery and post op meds. I knew only God could heal me but I went to the doctor anyway because thats what we do and they put me on psyche meds because they thought it was panic attacks. I was on meds for about 2 months ripped off quickly and now 10 months later I'm still dealing with ABIND. Jesus is my only hope. You are not alone.❤
  • @georgios4891
    You are so brave, you got this. Our brains are healing, I also experience intrusive thoughts/images you describe and the suffering. Parts of brain(hippocampus, amygdala) are overworking as a sign of healing and this manifests as all these painful symptoms. You are not alone, thank you for the video.
  • @mitch5222
    I have lost 12 years and i am permanently disabled after decade of polydrugged. I dont even know what is a good day in life. At 44 years i feel like a teenager. I am disabled my legs are full of neuropathy. I accepted death.
  • Yes we do understand and yes the pain will eventually be gone. If we rely on our Father we will be able to endure and eventually overcome. As stated in Revelation 21:4 "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." So many of us are going through the same pain as you and each day is a struggle...but in him we find strength. God Bless!🙏
  • I am so sorry your not feeling better yet, hold on it gets better over time.
  • I missed you tess. Glad you made another video. Always gonna be here to see your journey praying you and everyone else going through this, makes it out alive and well. I'm 13 months off klonopin and still no real progress. Hope we all heal soon <3
  • I have hundreds of intrusive thoughts pour into my mind. Setraline and Klopin and shit like this stuff is crazy. I went off Klonopin for 2 days cold turkey, but thats not what i planned i just ran out of Klonopin. It terrified me into alot of terrifying past events. Its a constant negative past memories coming at me too. Its overwhelming!!!!!!
  • @_harbinjer
    the worst part is being misunderstood and feeling completely alone, the horrible intrusive thoughts and not living but surviving only, unable to live one day at a time but often times all you can do is survive one moment at a time, not able to participate in life, forced to be on the outside looking in. I'd do anything to trade places with you. After almost 25 years, I have come to the same conclusion, everything in the natural has failed. If anything changes in my life, it will be, like you say, because of something that He does
  • Sometimes it’s so hard to hear the Lords voice and what his will is for us when we are in the deepest of suffering. I find I struggle with that the most…the what am I supposed to do, what is his will for me, where is he directing me, etc… But the Lord is building you and creating you for all his glorious works!
  • @GunnerGOAT730
    I feel for you. You must be extremely sensitive to all types of meds to be having these problems. Trust me, I know benzo withdrawal is real and can be really tough for people, but millions of people are prescribed benzos annually and most have no trouble coming off of them. Obviously, prolonged use at a high dose can definitely cause some problems. I hope you feel better soon. You've come a long way!
  • I too was injured after a routine knee surgery and polydrugged and ended up on a benzo. It took me 3+ years to taper that and then I was put on a AD. I am 11 months off of that and dealing with ABIND and all the symptoms that come with this kind of injury. Things have very slowly improved and I can feel healing, but my menstrual cycle throws me back into almost acute WD every month. I had a break this and last month but am now entering another wave. But please know things will get better and you will heal and one day you’ll be off it all and healing. I wish I could comment on the birth control side of things, but I’m in the same boat (not on it) but the hormone fluctuations are miserable!
  • You are a beautiful speaker. You are correct in saying no one understands. These medications have destroyed my nervous system and now they have affected my heart. You have given me the courage to finally surrender my cares and fears to Jesus. I am praying for you. Thank you for giving me the courage to hand all my problems to God.
  • Its like pain of arrows. I put hot water on my scalp to try and get myself thinking on something else.