let's discuss: the obsession with marilyn monroe

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Edited by Israh S.

The Many Lives of Marilyn by Sarah Churchwell
Heavenly Bodies by Richard Dyer
Some Kind of Mirror by Amanda Konkle
Marilyn Monroe, ‘sex symbol’: film performance, gender politics and 1950s Hollywood celebrity www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19392397.2012.…
Marilyneveryday: The persistence of Marilyn Monroe as a cultural icon www.ingentaconnect.com/content/intellect/ffc/2015/…
Trapped by Celebrity Status and Dead Too Soon: Aspirational Limitations and the Career Trajectories of Marilyn Monroe and Jim Morrison brill.com/view/book/edcoll/9781848883963/BP000005.…
‘This industry lives on gossip and scandal’: female star narratives and the Marilyn Monroe biopic www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19392397.2017.…

コメント (21)
  • the treatment of marylin's comedic acting reminds me of how men so often dont pick up on women's jokes and sarcasm, they just assume that women are being literal and stupid.
  • @Venya9
    The fact that Hugh Hefner could BUY a final resting place next to Marilyn is appalling to me. And Kim Kardashian could just buy a fast wear of a dress Marilyn herself wished no one else would wear. People forget Marilyn was a person. You can be inspired but this is objectifying, the same thing that was done to her as a sex symbol when she lived.
  • @anais3337
    I assume marilyn’s comedy is often overlooked as well because we don’t typically view women as capable of being intentionally funny. Instead of acknowledging her character as a representation of marilyn’s comedic talent, we assumed that she WAS the over the top ditzy character, because somehow that was more believable to us than her being intentionally humorous
  • This video is a lot more poignant after the release of “Blonde.” I’m so tired of Marilyn being ruined by men
  • @GGMS86
    Marilyn’s inability to have a baby, terminated pregnancies, drug use and anxiety could have been due to endometriosis. One of the 20 most painful conditions in the world and underrepresented in public and medical discourse. Women have to “grin and bear it” which often means they rely upon heavy medication to manage pain and function. Which then exacerbates mental health problems
  • To me I think admiring Marilyn Monroe for her sexual liberation is like admiring someone with an eating disorder for their thinness, it’s very unsettling
  • It’s so sweet that she gave some of her will to her therapist
  • Imagine the outrage if a deceased male celebrity like Alan Rickman or Heath Ledger were to be treated the same way as Marilyn Monroe
  • I also think the obsession may actually stem from her tragically early death. Hollywood has this obsession with female youth and a tendency to immediately throw away any women that age. However with Marilyn because she passed before ever reaching that point she became this immortalized picture of female innocence, youth and sexuality that Hollywood and pop culture could latch onto.
  • @idk-jy6cc
    Marilyn has always been an example to me of how the world treats women in general. Take and take and take and then judge you for falling apart due to their abuse.. overly sexulaized and her true personhood was never really appreciated. Smart and kind woman, but all anyone cares about Is how sexy she is.
  • I feel like Marilyn always resented her fame being connected to her sexuality. She knew she could get attention with her face and body but she wanted desperately for people to really see her as a person. My heart breaks for her, every man in her life took advantage of her.
  • Growing up I would see imagery of her and Audrey Hepburn slapped on just about anything, I knew her picture long before I knew who she was or what she did. Even today if you walk into an ICING store youll see them on random dorm room decor for no reason. I never really understood the obsession, like it’s not praise/admiration for Marilyn’s work in movies or singing or anything, it’s just her IMAGE itself, it’s so odd. Like how many people who say they “love Marilyn Monroe” have actually seen her films?
  • The more and more I learn about Marilyn the person, the more and more I love and appreciate her. It's just so sad that she's not even person anymore but a marble deity.
  • I wish you had mentioned the men who bought grave sites around her. I don't remember their exact names but they're all buried in a morgue type grave sites where the bodies are stuck in individual tombs on top of each other. The man who bought the space directly above her said to lay his body face down so he could look at Marilyn Monroe for eternity. She doesn't get to escape prying eyes or her performance even in death.
  • @tsin5355
    it's disgusting that even decades after her death, others still continue to be exploit her
  • "To see a woman so in charge of her sexuality..." Idk, to me it sounds like she did it out of necessity, not because she was glad to. And sure, that takes a level of guts. But it's also sad to be backed into that corner. That's not empowering.
  • tw: sexual abuse marilyn monroe's image of being this wild sexual person also annoys me bc there are writings from monroe that hint at her dealing with sexual abuse growing up. so to know that her sexuality is one of the biggest things she's remembered for bothers me a lot. plus, she was progressive for the time, and i feel like that rarely gets talked about when ppl talk about her. they usually just focus on her beauty or her tragedy
  • @moonlily1
    The reason she was so frequently late was because she had terrible stage fright. She wasn't being a diva, she was having anxiety attacks. Probably she had difficulty remembering her lines because she was on a lot of psychotropic drugs, various types of barbituates. She wasn't dumb, she was in a chemical brain fog.
  • She suffered miscarriages and endometriosis, she had such unhaooy youth its so sad she was never taken seriously. She deserves so much
  • Norma Jean went through so much. It's so disturbing how much we glamourise Marilyn's life as a pinnacle of femininity, when people literally had no idea how much she had to suffer - and how much disrespect she is STILL suffering decades after her death - in order to maintain that image. She seemed like a pure soul, too, which only makes it worse.