40MM Grenade Launcher vs Torso at Point Blank Range


コメント (21)
  • "Why are you here?" "I'm just here for the violence" Sounds about right for a marine.
  • @DaDaW9762
    @Garand Thumb, those 40mm rounds are something else.. I'm an Infantry soldier in the British army and in Afghanistan my friend was firing 40mm granades at an enemy firing point while our platoon commander was looking through optics to see his fall of shot... Suddenly, our platoon commander dropped the optic and became very animated.. He couldn't believe what he'd just seen, I think it was the first and only time I saw a officer high five a private soldier, which if you know anything about the British army, you'll know that is a big no no and never happens.. And when we asked what had got him so animated, he said that a Taliban insurgent had popped his head over the compound wall just a brief second after "Beef" ,my friend, had fired a 40mm and the round literally smacked this Taliban in the head and turned his head into pink mist before the Talib fell back out of view.. The strange thing I found was that even though it had pulverised his head, the round didn't detonate, it seemed that despite it flying far enough to arm, the head, wrapped in a turban, wrapped in flesh wasn't hard enough to detonate the HE.. Life is stranger than fiction I suppose.
  • Story time. My dad was EOD/UDT in Vietnam. He was ordered to a firebase to "help remove some UXO." When he arrived the UXO was a 40mm grenade that was lodged in the head of NVA. Turns out the guy was a high ranking officer and there had been a diplomatic request by NV to get the body back but the grenade had to be removed before he could be transported. My dad talked to his CO and expressed concerns about the grenade being armed and that it might detonate when he tried to remove it. His CO said shit happenes and "they asked for the body back but they didn't say how much had to be left. Do it the safest way possible." The field expedient solution became to build a sandbag wall around the body with a rifle barrel sandwiched in aimed at the 40mm grenade. 1 round later the grenade was "disarmed " and the officers remains were able to be shipped back North in a much smaller/ lighter package.
  • @nla27
    Mojo's a Marine? Mojo constantly sticking his fingers into the wound track. Mojo's definitely a Marine.
  • @phprofYT
    There are a bunch of Marine and Army Sergeants right now realizing they are going to have to go back to their units and inform the troops NOT to use 40 mm launchers as their primary weapon.
  • I love how Mojo was surprised to hear that the 203 is a rifled grenade launcher, and then proceeds to check the barrel for rifling. 😂🤣😂
  • @Cypher84X
    The blunt force trauma of this is horrifying. Imagine having something that size blow through your sternum and get stuck inside your chest cavity. I mean, you would be dead pretty much instantly, but for that split second or two the pain would be unimaginable
  • Typical USMC Grunt: "I'm just here for the violence. No clue what we're doing but I heard a 40mm."
  • @dynomitejec
    When military men feed each other watermelon an angel cries in joy, and Scott loads his .500 mag.
  • This was pretty interesting to see. Once at a combat exercise our "enemy" accidentally started shooing 40mm belt fed after us. Barely missed the top of my head.
  • “Dude, I think I put it through the same hole…” “Does that make us Eskimo brothers?” high five into intimately interlocking fingers
  • I died when mojo was like "THATS WHAT WERE DOING?" makes me believe Garand thumb literally only told him "hey let's go fuck around with a 40mm" 😂😂
  • Even if it didn't kill immediately, it would certainly take someone out of the fight. Couldn't do anything for him as he expired. Gruesome. Well done.
  • very heart warming to see garand thumb and his son bonding together.
  • mojo is like a kid meeting his hero for the 50th time and still being happy and giddy.
  • Mojo has the energy of a Golden Retriever and I loved every minute of it.
  • Mojo is just a ball of chaotic energy and I need to see him and Charlie together asap