Metabolism: Curing gender dysphoria, autism, PTSD, and more.

Published 2023-12-22
I finally figured out what the Hell is wrong with me (part two of three).
A review of Brain Energy by Chris Palmer.

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DeMarco, M. (2021, June 1). How rocking can help you heal. Medium.…

Liu, M., Murthi, S., & Poretsky, L. (2020). Focus: Sex & reproduction: Polycystic ovary syndrome and gender identity. Yale Journal of Biological Medicine, 93(4), 529.

Palmer, C. M. (2022). Brain energy: A revolutionary breakthrough in understanding mental health--and improving treatment for anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, and more. BenBella Books.

All Comments (21)
  • struggled with health issues, seeking solutions led me to this video. Aspect Health guided me through personalized approaches. Coulson's insights into brain energy theory and metabolism resonated deeply. it's fascinating to consider the link between metabolic health and mental well-being. lifestyle changes, diet modifications, and stress management seem crucial for overall health, according to the video. hearing personal anecdotes about positive impacts from lifestyle changes was truly enlightening.
  • Im learning more about problems within the world from a James Bond villian. Beautiful time to be alive.
  • @justlorelle4249
    Your theory that all mental health is metabolic health fits with what the Warrior Angel Foundations findings. They have been working with an endocrinologist to help veterans rebalance thier hormones and doing so resolves or reduces thier trauma responses depression and other mental health problems. I remember them from a Joe Rogan podcast I watched maybe 6 years ago. So interesting.
  • The carnivore diet was the catalyst that seemingly rid me of dandruff and my perpetually dry lips. ❤
  • @priwncess
    I can't help but relate to you in a very deep way, and I understand you. I've had these same thoughts, even, though from the opposite perspective. I appreciate you. I find it has a lot to do with Autism, trauma, life experience and well, to be fair, so many factors dictate our identity outcome, but things like autism and etc have a huge link.
  • @lillypilly6440
    I have autism, PTSD and ADHD and I have done a lot of therpies to improve my health and it is really important to make sure your liver and kidneys are healthy. I saw a naturapath who helped me with herbs for my kidneys. When your kidneys and gut is healthy you can start to remove heavy metals from your body which can help with depression, anxiety and general functioning. I also got a test to see if I am defiect in any minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron. Itis very common to be low in these.
  • @saityavuz76
    I knew this video would come out eventually. After watching the entire video, I was surprised actually. From your short remarks, I would have assumed you were a simple reductionist when it came to these matters, but in the video, I noticed bits of hesitation in pinning every problem on reductive chemical reactions. I feel like you are guided heavily by your and others' anecdotal evidence, which is fine, I also have a history of a condition stemming from a disturbance of an endocrine system (It was caffeine in my case, excess of it led to anxiety). Although I realize that many modern conditions can be explained partially using neuroendocrinology, to look at it simply reductively without looking at it holistically, oversimplifies our understanding. I believe that emergent phenomena exist. We are indeed mediated and emerge from chemicals and hormones and cells, but we are much more than the sum of our parts. Sadly, not all conditions are fixable, or alterable with diet, these are sad truths. It can be comforting to simplify life this way, it gives us a sense of comfort, which is part of health, as the unknown induces in us a sense of fear and anxiety, which can disrupt us heavily. Autism isn't something one can change with one's diet, indeed to some extent mental states can be altered with diet, I believe that, but autism and many other quirks of the mind are multi-faceted, for example, did you know that prenatal exposure to testosterone is correlated with autism? That, we are shaped very heavily by the hormonal exposure of the past? Even in the realm of hormones and chemicals, it isn't as simple as the current hormonal state we are in that matters. Oftentimes, these things operate like stains. Autism to an extent starts in the womb, and it is further developed during one's cognitive development in childhood. Our brain is highly plastic during childhood, and the ways in which we form our initial paths can alter the rest of our lives completely. There are even cases of children not learning language at a young age, and their inability to grasp grammar for the rest of their lives. Their chemical makeup doesn't play into that at all. There are even studies about finger length and prenatal exposure to testosterone, If your ring finger is longer than your index, it indicates higher exposure to testosterone during pregnancy. ( You can watch Robert Sapolsky's lectures on Stanford's youtube channel if you want to learn about such things) I am glad you managed to mitigate the symptoms of your conditions, but I hope you recognize that life isn't as mechanical as we would like to make it out to be. There is a meaning to your loneliness, to your autoandrophilia. In the latter case, looked at through a Jungian lens, I believe we possess both the masculine and the feminine, and the way we channel these forces is through the act of projection. The socially conventional way of channeling these two forces is done through projecting these notions on the gender assigned at your birth, however, as we both know some channel it differently, some channel their assigned gender at birth to another whilst projecting the unassigned gender to themselves, whilst others project both onto themselves, whilst some do none. Loneliness is a form of disconnect of these forces, if you fail to be either, and or fail to project the other, the loneliness can haunt. In your case as of now, you resonate with the masculine force, and you want to project that onto yourself, hence the desire to be large, and strong (your notions of masculinity, others can have completely different notions, for example, in Arabian cultures, masculinity is expressed through generosity, in that culture, men tend to compete over who is more generous). Your inability to reach that ideal causes you suffering, it makes you feel lonely since you are alienated from one of the core forces of life (the force being masculinity and femininity). "How can you connect to the feminine if I don't possess the masculine" is the way the mind operates after that point. These things are truly hard to consciously be aware of, as these are very unconscious processes that our conscious mind isn't privy to. It is your relation to these forces and how they are made to be expressed that lead to your soul (or sexuality if you are Freudian). The form of thinking above would be null if we simply looked at things chemically. It would be like applying qualities of atoms such as electrons and protons and quarks and such to that of human beings: It would be absurd. Even though we are made out of atoms, we don't share their attribute.
  • @OldieWan
    Hello Courtney! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us here this fine day. I am going to que this up and listen to this on my 7 hour road trip. Heading south to go and see my mother for Xmax. I like to find something enthralling and interesting to listen to while I drive. There is so much to this as now we share space with all the new comers to planet Earth and all the new fancy types of conditions that just were not a thing when I was growing up in the late 70's & 80's growing up as a kid. We didn't have autism or any spectrum. There was a lot of guess work at the time when we were coming up in all this. Very little as of resources, until the internet became a vital tool with all this as it became the biggest brainwashing tool that lead me astray and down a path that didn't end up panning out for me. As there is so much more to all this than looks. But looks was a big huge part of this. As when you have everyone calling you miss, ma'am or lady, one would have to ask themselves, "maybe I am?" At the time being misgendered wasn't a thing what so ever. And it wasn't like being misgendered was a bad thing for me. Ever since I was a baby everyone would remark what a cute and beautiful girl my mom had. So she made it a point to dress me in blue and keep my hair very short. The more I grew into my body the stranger it got. I felt very much like a boy and I was very active boy doing boy things. But my physical body said otherwise. I was the essence of what a pretty boy was. No matter how "pretty" I was there was no denying that I was guy trapped in the body of a twink/femboy who wanted nothing more than to lift weights and become muscle bound. No matter how much I worked out I couldn't get anything but tone and tight. No big muscles, just refine athletic build that could still be mistaken as very femme. So I rolled with the punches and worked with what God gave me. I was grateful for the gifts of beauty I was given in this life. Enjoyed the time I had around other beautiful people and groups. Living a very exciting fast paced life that lead me here. In the same boat of going back to the basics of who I am under it all. Under it all I have always just been me, confused by the gifts I was granted in life. If I was confused back then I can only imagine how confused many of the new souls are in this day and age. People like Courtney and I are out here, hoping we can speak freely and openly. Which is a gauntlet in this day and age with censors and nonsense trying to shut people like you and I down. They don't want us telling others of the dangers and mind rot being put out here. More times than not I am silenced on this platform, as they do not want someone like me with true experience getting in the way of their brainwashing campaign.
  • You are amazing. I was thinking that diet is an issue for so many people and it must impact/be the cause of the modern dis-eases we suffer from. I had other diet related issues and resolved them by stopping eating sugar and highly processed food, and just eating more meat and veggies. You should go on Buck Angels podcast. It would be interesting to see your interview with him. Good luck!
  • @penthehuman
    10:22 Yes! Im not carnivore but I have significantly increased my meat intake in the last year and it makes me feel so much more emotionally regulated. I mention that to my friends though and they look at me like I have 3 heads 😂
  • @afriend9079
    I gotta tell my doctor about this book 😮👍 Very important information. Thank you for sharing
  • @OldieWan
    🧡💛🧡💛Have a Great Day Courtney 💜💜💜💙
  • @Zestitcha
    What is the evidence that ancient 'hunter-gatherer' peoples had "90% less mental illness"...? Doesn't seem like something that would be at all definitively determinable by archeology. Granted if they had stuff like 'anxiety/depression' it would a vastly secondary issue compared to the very immediate concern of mere "survival". No time for sadness when on the endless 'mammoth hunt' grind, eh?
  • @hydrofire1296
    Rocking chair simulates being in the womb. Try isolation tank.
  • @Feliciab67
    Lol, I like your super villain look!!!😂
  • lol court, you are an enigma, im still catching up, with some of your history and story, mate, hun, butty, sister, i dont know what, same as you... some days im like wtf am i! im 50 now, and i still havent worked things out. i dont think i ever will, i think ive got to a point in life, i ust dont care any more. i went through a long fase i thought i was trans, or bi or straight. ive just resigned to the fact, i just like, what i like and i would make one fugly woman.
  • @backoff3477
    tell me a time when you did work in civil service, volunteer work, and / or mentoring. Not attacking you. having people rely on you give you motivation to improve yourself.
  • @user-yr2nb4vr3q
    Hey so... just so you know 30 years old was elderly 2000 odd years ago, so I don't think hunter gather civilization was as peachy as you are implying compared to now, perhaps what's wrong with you is the immense desire to convince yourself you are sick and slip into a victim role?
  • @audreydoyle5268
    Do not worry bestie, I was born half blind. My left eye has been a plastic ball in my skull since I was 4, and even though the eye patch slightly reminds me of the bullying I went through, so the eye patch doesn't bother me much now. Phytoestrogens do NOT metabolise into the body as well as genuine estrogens do. You'd have better luck downing a litre of cow's milk than you would with even a tenth of that in seasame seeds. I approve of the raspberry leaf tea. None of my words have to mean a thing to you, however I would suggest you be far more discerning of the material you consume, even if it seems to help you short term to get you out of bed. The basic human diet of bovine, legumes and cereal are enough calories to keep you moving as much as you need, as well as enough vitamins and proteins as you need. The source of which, whether meat or vegetation should not be of great concern unless specific ethics are deeply important to the individual.
  • @ocdbrain
    "I cured autism" wears solid snake eye patch edited I just got to the part of the vid where u explained ur eye