How to Turn Fear into Fuel | Brian Tracy

Published 2017-10-26
Fear needs to be recognized and managed properly or it becomes an anchor. We can become indecisive, have self-doubt, and simply fail to act. But fear can be turned into fuel and today I want to teach you how.

Do you have the level of self-confidence needed in order to turn your fears into fuel? Click the link above to find out.

“Be willing to launch in faith, with no guarantees of success. This is the mark of personal greatness.” @BrianTracy (Click to Tweet:

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All Comments (21)
  • Hi everyone, Thank you for stopping by to watch my video today. Please share with me, what fears are holding you back? Discover what's holding you back >>
  • Don’t know how old Brian Tracy is, but I admire his unstoppable will to help the thousands of us with his wisdom and great teaching skills
  • @sophiek3292
    Don't let your comfort zone become a prison.. Grear quote! 👍
  • @bougelaal
    I love you Brian Tracy, you started my journey of personal development back in 2014. I know recently you've had some health issues....I hope you are doing well and live a great life. God bless
  • @Hugo-py2ce
    Ah mr tracy seeing you this fragile breaks my heart. All the knowledge you have and how many people you've helped with your knowledge you are deserving on living 2 lifetimes. You changed my life years ago when I started listening to you, may you live many more years and continue your path.
  • At your age, in your condition, you still reach out to help the growing generation. May God Bless you and favor you, may God give you strength and peace in this life and in the next. God bless you Sir
  • Mr Brian Tracy changed my sales career for ever. my first audio cassete tapes I bought from him was the Luck Factor in 1997. thank u Brian.
  • @thetruth3322
    Thank you sir, please take care of yourself. God bless you.
  • Praise and thank God the Father in heaven for you Mr Brian Tracy in Jesus Christ name. You are indeed a gift from God.
  • @DamonCart
    Neurologically fear isn't that different than excitement. You can change the meaning you're making of fear and use that energy to succeed. Good video!
  • fear 1)I didn't step college life 2) not enough money 3) afraid of failure 4) sometimes I have no confidence but thanks to you sir I'm motivated
  • Thank you for unlocking my cage. I'm grateful for the gift that your are for so many. I will start working on my fears now.
  • @Adimysk
    Im scared people wont like my music, or rather, it wont be up to the standards of others. But im releasing it and contouring my fears. Thanks for the video
  • @brookeh208
    Thank you! This is something that I struggling with. I’m doing a lot of things out of my comfort zone. I push through the negative thoughts by doing it anyway. But these points on transforming fear into fuel will change my thought process when the thoughts come up.
  • @MetaCrewSJC
    I do have fear of failing, fear about what others may say. These comes as when I left school, I was a great student. But my college days were terrible and I occurs failure again and again, even in my effort to do business. But I never give up, and keep listening to videos like this. Thanks for the help.
  • @abirg3263
    You are so right! Your short video's are the bast wake-up calls, thank you
  • Sir my greatest fear is public speaking. So I have decided to join a public speaking course.