What to Do if You Find Baby Bird Eggs

Published 2021-07-20
When Lindy found two mourning dove eggs while mowing her lawn, she wanted to incubate them. But she soon found out that was not only against the law, but it just wasn't the humane thing to do. Learn the interesting facts that Lindy learned, tips on what to do if you find bird eggs in your yard, and great resources to help you in this situation.

Suggested Resources:

NestWatch: www.NestWatch.org/
Cornell Lab of Ornithology: www.birds.cornell.edu/home
Audubon: www.audubon.org/
Sialis: www.sialis.org/incubate.htm

Wildlife Rehabilitators in the United States: www.humanesociety.org/resources/how-find-wildlife-…

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918

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All Comments (21)
  • @johnandrews7922
    My heart is broken. A house sparrow made a nest in our grass and there a four eggs. I have been visiting her daily bringing water to her and watching over the nest. This morning i found her deceased next to her nest. I believe the tiny sparrow is a reincarnation of my mother. I am determined to save the baby birds. I will be raising them by making a incubator .
  • @allyi2883
    I found a bird nest in the chair on my front porch yesterday! As much as I wanted to keep checking on the small eggs I was afraid I would draw predators attention to the nest. Through watching your video you covered this factor actually and I really appreciate your help! Also I wasn’t aware of all of the laws in place to protect the birds. I’m glad they’re there though. Thank you for making this video and making your own experience informative for others.
  • Saw a bird fly out of the grass while mowing. When I went back to see if it was injured, I saw a nest on the ground nearby. I covered it with a self made wooden teepee and gently placed cedar branches over it to help it blend in. The mama bird was there the next day and I was so happy she didn't reject it and I felt I had helped protect the nest. But I kept peeking in on her and perhaps made her feel threatened because on the fourth day of checking on her, she didn't come back. It's just about night outside and now I have 4 tiny little speckled eggs in my lap. So hard not to try and keep them warm. Video was helpful, thanks.
  • @TrevorHicks347
    This vidoe was very helpful to me so thank you for making it
  • @gretasirois6711
    I just found a robin's egg in the bird bath of our school's garden. This was a very helpful video. I am glad we watched it before making any decisions.
  • @scaravv1876
    My dad brought in two little eggs. I can’t tell what bird they are exactly, but I just emailed my agricultural science teacher to see if he wanted to try and incubate them
  • @holly6907
    Thank you so much this was so helpful this morning I found a Eastern bluebird egg and really wanted to help it but I was like let’s do some research first before I touch it
  • @josmith9316
    You are major awsome bird mum lady,here for you them an us all💜❤️🙏🏿🙏🏽🙏...an you reading....story up one....
  • @BlaqueRainbow
    I was out walking my dog this morning and she was pulling me over to a bush so I followed her. She picked up the scent of a deceased bird. I immediately steered her away before noticing a little 🪹 and two grayish-green eggs speckled with brown spots. A third egg was in the process of being pushed out but was killed in the fight. Naturally I picked them up and brought them inside and put them in a container thinking maybe I could try to incubate them, but then another part of me kicked in and knew that there was other options. After watching this video and making a few phone calls, I was simply advised to bring them back outside and put the nest as high in the bush as I could in hopes that the father would find and take care of them. I whispered to them and placed them back. Mother Nature definitely has her own way of doing things and we as humans have a duty to respect Her, despite our egos wanting to do otherwise. As bad as I wanted to care for them, I knew deep down it would be a task I wasn’t ready for and every second counted for them. Doing what I was told is a simple way to care for them ❤
  • @bythebnro7498
    I found two mourning dove eggs and raised them and if you can’t raise them call a rehabilitation center, NO MATTER RARE OR NOT
  • @ClassicCyn
    I just found an American Robin egg that I wish I could have helped in some way. Thank you for the video, I'll be reaching out to a family friend that is a rehabilitator to see if they can do anything!
  • I think I found a morning bird egg on my walk this morning there’s no cracks in the egg it’s off-white it’s a translucent egg with fluid on the inside it’s shiny on the outside there’s no cracks and when I look around in the trees there’s no nests around what should I do with the egg? I’m halfway through watching your video right now as I write this
  • @josmith9316
    NZ here..warning amazing story sad ending..💜.. A bird baby(fledgling) was lost in the road gutter ,of a buisy road in the front yard,I swooped over and (nuink) held him to my heart inside my hands,,everything today is secondary now.i made a shoe box ,prepared lil matt's of an old trackpants,an chilled online looking up baby birds,learned fledgling is the name,I tryed cat food an you know how it is they jus don't eat anything it seems ,that night was interesting,I stared in a caravan and baby bird got a fright after sleeping at 6pm light still,he flew n walked a bit an I scooped him up an settled him again,so I slept with him by my pillow despite internet warning about bust germs etc,he woke up more than expected,every 2 hours,an I had to change his nest,throw the used an place new one,and about 4-5am I woke up (I'm a night person by thee way) woke up and he was asleep standing,I changed the nest and he still needed persuading to sit again,but he did peep out of his eyes to check then.the next one was morning an I wanted him to eat,i let him out to between house,totra tree and corner long grass beside house door,other side bussy road no fence,I know,baby went to the tree,1meter away,I looked out after 1minute an say him peek tiny fling insects,an was delighted,still wanting him go have more,,after 30minutes,I got him in again,,then it came to me the idea to feed birds on the lawn,I threw out bread and half yeasterdays big Mac an let baby out ,he went to the tree ,5 birds an more around,eating ,an sparrows watching out for minas?,well I watched from window,baby peeking away,noticed the comoting 2minutes later,an hoped out 1foot then 2,the thing is that the same type of bird that is a boss lawn bird here in NZ, it threw a peice if burger meat at baby after there were looking at each other ,baby ate the meat an liked it ,then some bread,not as good,then this price towards me more,then was happy,I collected him soon after,the next day he went missing,an I went out instead of looking more..but he was just in the bushes,and didn't make it in the cold,I love this lil baby bird,an all birds, helping them is more than we knew ay.❤️🐣🐥🦆🐦 thanks again,
  • @Mickey007
    I constantly find Robin's eggs on the ground. But nothing comes from them when I incubate them . We have No Trees in our yard or anywhere on our property. Why or what's up with them doing this?
  • @Squirrel4Gir
    I walked past a baby bird chirping in the grass… we left it came back a day later it was dead in the grass. Said we’d try to help next time
  • That is what I am looking for. I just found a sparrow egg on my house's roof. I am confusing what to do
  • @amyparenti6149
    Oookkk! I guess I have to do the right thing here. This is the first bird egg I found and I was so ready to give it a shot but after watching this, I can understand how hard it would be and how illegal it actually is. I’m so sad though.
  • @fanyleon6877
    It's been raining alot here in California, and my brother found a robin egg. 🥚🐣
  • @josmith9316
    Would a blue egg in the street and only small tree no nest.then saw 2nd egg..they were warm in sun at home I nested then cloths,an they were cold wen checked, I'm going to cancel them, ihopi they are good and I hatch them,then the hard part feeding every 2 hours...blue eggs, I'll tell ya a story about last year...