Mr. Beast Gets Questioned by the IRS

Published 2022-10-06

All Comments (21)
  • I love how the IRS is just serious and they rest of them are just talking and laughing at the same time
  • @tgp3687
    generally when someone says "You don’t need a lawyer present" you need a lawyer present 💀
  • @Pogbirb
    Mr.beast is the only guy that can switch between "I'm rich" and "I'm poor" in seconds and have it be believable.
  • @waifu6768
    imagine he was a actual IRS agent acting as a actor to get his trust
  • @paterson90
    That little nod he did to acknowledge and dismiss the fist bump had me dying, lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  • @chez_guy
    i fuckin DIED when the guy introduced himself as someone from the IRS and Jimmy just shook his hand and said “fuck. fuck.” 😂
  • @Nerdtendo6366
    Jimmy trying to figure out if it’s a joke and the IRS guy just staring at him is funny as hell
  • As a small business bookkeeper, the thing that immediately gave away to me that it was a bit was that he called him "Mr. Beast" instead of his legal name, and that he consolidated Jimmy and his business(es) as one collective "how much did you make". Jimmy has multiple companies, they each are different entities to the IRS and have their own taxes, and he himself would be an individual.
  • @chrisj1319
    I love how he keeps saying "That was a good bit" like he's hoping they'll confirm that wasn't actually an IRS agent lol
  • @DirtCobaine
    We have to make sure the IRS man gets every acting gig because he absolutely killed it
  • @Opr8rKaz
    Jimmy is the only person who can go from “I’m rich” to “I’m poor” 14 times in 1 minute
  • @slayer2322
    He kept his cool perfect. That guy needs a raise
  • I love the way Cody and Noel just die laughing at their own bits, same with the "chat" in the other video
  • @rwe52496
    Jimmy: "This track suit is Gucci, I'm rich." The IRS: "How much money do you have in your checking account?" Jimmy: "None, I'm poor."
  • @thatguyukno41
    Mr Beast gonna hire a lawyer to walk around with him 24/7 now
  • @extinct6146
    The most unrealistic thing about this is actually seeing an IRS agent.
  • @sosagam
    Him leaving him hanging on the fist bump was probably one of the most hilarious reactions of all time. Dude was like “yes. I see it. 🤦‍♂️”
  • @dramere
    And here you can see Jimmy's real attitude towards his wealth. i fucking love how honest he is here.