Ay Wauken O

Beautiful song of lost love by Rabbie Burns. The singer lamenting that they are unable to sleep for thinking about their love. Ay Wauken.... always awake.

コメント (8)
  • I am compiling a lthread...it is already very long...of Rabbie's songs on The Motley Fool web site. This is the finest entry so far IMO. Many thanks for the enchanting singing and the magical, albeit authentic, scenes. It is songs like this that will surely win a "Yes".. Tom 
  • @mmsx
    thankyou..this song haunts me.. and you sing it beautifully..xx
  • I love it! Beautiful pictures going wonderfully with one of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard, your voice is to die for :)
  • @UglyBetty70 do you mean in general? It's been performed by many ? Scottish singers, including greats like Jean Redpath. However, this particular version is Hazel Whyte.
  • @SteveonLI
    morag, haunting is the word. hazxel, so very nice. there is something special about this song. no way to mistake its quality. and oh please....i invite you all to track down my version on youtube (steve vitoff ay waukin o), i just posted it yesterday