Game Breaking? 0.33 TTK Double Box Breathing Glitch - 180 RPM Scout Is Broken In PVP

Publicado 2022-07-27
2 different scout rifles can now kill in 0.33 seconds due to a double box breathing glitch that allows you to get box breathing on two shots back to back in pvp

Hola chicos, están aquí para un loco dos toques con respiración de caja. La respiración de caja otorga un beneficio de daño del 66% después de mirar durante 1,5 segundos. Pero puedes abusar de eso para que se active en dos balas consecutivas. El tiempo es bastante ajustado. Pero esto te permite disparar dos veces a un guardián que tiene menos de 90 de resistencia. Para ello se necesita una caja exploradora de 180 rpm que respire. Puede utilizar sin sentimientos o jurado colgado. Mire hacia adentro y justo antes de que vea la respiración de la caja, dispare un tiro. La respiración de caja aún se activará en su próximo disparo. Matar al guardián. Puse un mod de actualización automática completa para hacer esto un poco más fácil. Esto hace 99 de daño cada uno. También podrías usar algo así como armas de luz para matar en dos disparos donde solo uno de ellos tiene respiración de caja. Esto podría requerir algo de práctica o una macro para hacerlo de manera consistente. Matar guardianes en 0,66 segundos desde el otro lado del mapa es bastante complicado. Notarás que el juego puede incluso registrar tu disparo como 61 de daño y aun así los matas en dos golpes debido al tiempo de respiración de la caja. Un agradecimiento especial a Mitch (SomewhatAdept) por esto.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @konocatoda
    Broken stuff aside, I just felt like I had to comment and say how beautiful the design of no feelings is. I really wouldn't mind if bungie decided to bring back some black armoury weapons. Defo one of if not the best designed weapons bungie has made IMO.
  • it’s actually .33 seconds since the first shot happens at 0 seconds and then each shot takes .33 to fire after. .66 seconds is the normal box breathing ttk. This is a pretty inconsequential glitch though because it relies heavily on an opponent walking into you line of sight at a very strict timing.
  • @spicymayo8240
    I hope we get the Black Armory weapons back at dome point this year. They had some of the best aesthetics out of any legendary weapons.
  • @ForeverLaxx
    Looks like it's a server tick trick. You can do the same sort of thing with the Gunpowder Gamble grenade by throwing it immediately after proc'ing it. If you're fast enough and get kills with every toss, you can theoretically do it forever.
  • @vblegh1620
    Been a while since I’ve regretted dismantling a weapon this much
  • They need to bring this gun back in general. Well, if we are being real all the black armory weapons. They’re just some of the examples of the best weapons made in destiny 2 and deserve to come back in the near future. Plus aesthetically most look amazing.
  • Hey Cheese, you may want to consider something other than "game breaking" in your title. I lost count after 20 videos, not all yours that say this. Yes I saw the question mark. Bungie should rename this, season of the broken since it seems to have way more broken stuff than their norm. Thanks for the video, great information no matter what some players think of the math.
  • @xhiei_x254
    Nice job bringing yet another glitch to everyone’s attention
  • @DuckButter81
    Thank goodness not too many players grinded out a box breathing scout rifle. Also thank goodness i did! 👍🏻👍🏻
  • @Exupace
    Quite enjoying the recent buff, I've been using a box breathing Adept Hung Jury for a while now, but in the last week or so it's been particularly deadly :-) Not great on every map, and kind of situational, great vs snipers (depending on how good they are), rubbish vs shotguns at close range lol :-D
  • @cyber8697
    This is actually a very nice find, and ads a bit of skill celling to Box Breathing scouts. Is it gonna stick around? Probably not, but I still think it's very cool.
  • So glad I never got rid of my no feelings and black armory weapons…..see you
  • @KyberNexus42
    Glad I kept that adept hung jury with the box breathing secondary g-roll
  • @birddog0347
    I was very sad when I realized that a week prior to the buff I deleted my Hung Jury with BB, but happy when I remembered I have my No Feelings with BB and Rapid Hit.
  • @junnKhya
    Ive had one of these scouts saved w rapid hit and box breathing, waiting for this day