something (the backlog sessions)

Published 2024-03-01
Ever since the last mostly non-vaporwave nonamelegend album (2014), I've written songs and learned covers that were always meant to see the light of day, but never did due to a) life being busy and b) me being a perfectionist who is super reluctant to release anything that's not up to the standards of my inspirations. So, in order to finally get this material out there (because my life hasn't gotten any less busy haha), I'm simply recording a performance of each song on my phone, no fancy mics, in one take, and releasing it here on YouTube as "the backlog sessions". Hopefully the low resolution can get everyone nostalgic for the "golden era of YouTube" or something, idk.

Just me, live and acoustic. 👊😎

About this track:

I wrote "something" in 2022, and, as simple as it is, it's one of my favorites lyrically. I really feel like I was able to accurately capture the struggle of knowing you need to do what you love, but a) being too perfectionistic to let yourself suck at it before you get better and b) being afraid to invest too much of yourself in it. It took me an inordinately long amount of time to realize that I didn't have to be a "proper" musician with pro gear and studio quality for my songs to be worth releasing, and waiting on better circumstances was/is a fool's errand. If something is worth doing, it's worth doing poorly. If you've got a song, sing it, not only for you, but for the ones you love.


When all you've ever done
is get high when the going gets tough
Letting dreams die on the vine
cause you think you're not prepared enough
To be anything more
than a talentless clone of those that came before
And you can't think of a reason why
it would be worth the time you'd spend to try

You don't know what you want
and you don't know who has the answer
And you're wary of the bad roads you'd end up down

But you gotta do something
because the crutches are tearing through the skin
You gotta do something
Even when you don't know where to begin
No matter how hard you try
You can't drown the restlessness within
But you gotta do something

More to come! Deo Gratias.

Buy me a coffee if you'd like!

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