The FINAL Thing to Happen Before Jesus Returns! // Must See Message

Published 2019-05-19
What is the final thing to happen before Christ returns? Is the Second Coming of Jesus near? This video explores something Jesus says MUST happen right before he returns. Will we see the Return of Christ in our generation? Share your thoughts as well!

-Featuring The Bible Project and Desiring God

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All Comments (21)
  • The reason GOD hasn’t came yet, is because he is giving us grace. A (chance ) to repent and turn from our wicked ways.
  • @jydnc
    Maybe the reason why Jesus is not yet coming is because his giving us time to change 😇
  • Lord. I have been praying for my kid’s salvation over 20 years. Reveal YOU to him. Amen.
  • @ce1727
    I’m so ready for our Savior to return. No fear! Only love and light. God bless everyone who truly believes. 🙏💕
  • It hurts to know that everyone won’t make it to heaven I pray every day God touches peoples hearts to change there ways I really want everyone to go to heaven ..
  • If your seeing this it’s not to late. Seek the lord while there is time
  • Does anyone not realize that now the gospel is being spread over all nations . Hallelujah our GOD is coming back.Amen🙏🙏🙏
  • I pray for everyone to go to Heaven. See ya in the gates of heaven Christians! Repent and Believe Jesus is Coming Soon!!
  • @royalnoble6788
    I will still believe in Jesus, even if you put a gun a to my head. I’ll rather be judged by this world, and not judged by are creator!
  • @beverlyann9929
    I gave my life to Jesus as a little girl❤️🙏🇨🇦👍
  • Forgive me Lord for all I've done. I pray for healing to those people I've hurt in the past.
  • @lilonelywts2968
    Dear God I'm sorry for all my sins that I've committed. I'm sorry for the sins I am not aware of. I'm sorry for the sins of my family members. I'm sorry for the sins of all the misguided souls. We all love you. We all need salvation. Please have mercy on those that just didn't know. I'm waiting on the day you come back to save us from this evil world. I love you.
  • @iamrekt5392
    I almost lost my life in a tragic car accident back in May. The last thing I remember seeing was a huge book full of pages of my life...and it was flashing beneath my eyes. Then I see complete darkness....and in a far far distance I see a little white spec of light...that spec of light was everyone’s prayers for me. My last thought that could of been my last on this planet was “I don’t want to die” that’s literally one of the last things I was thinking. It’s sad to say, but no one really wants to die and I only understood this after the crash. That little spec of light that saved me was Jesus and everyone’s prayers for me. I pray to God for him to bless anyone who reads this and answer anyone’s prayers. He is alive and He is ALWAYS, Listening. Now I am sober ever since and God stopped my selfish ways. You could say I learned the “hard” way but it’s only because of Gods mercy I am even writing this today. 🙏🏽
  • @shonnasmith6749
    Please pray for my family. My dad is an unbeliever. Sometimes my patience with him runs thin. I want all of my family and friends to make it to heaven.
  • @WWuxian
    Don't be scared or afraid. Just believe in Him. Believe JESUS is the WAY