Baby Robins: Feeding to First Flight & Leaving Nest (HD)

Published 2018-05-30
We follow a robins nest on the back porch from eggs, to the baby birds being fed and growing up to them leaving the nest on their first flight!
Time-lapse of the robins was shot with a Go-Pro Hero 6:
Other video was filmed with a Canon Rebel T6i:
and Zoom lens:
Lav Mic: Sennheiser G4

Background Music Credit:
"Fireflies and Stardust" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

All Comments (21)
  • @molinny
    Found an overturned nest next to my driveway. Inside a 5-6 day old hatchling. Put him back in some high bushes but the parents never made it back. He is now 12 days - eating a mix of moistened puppy chow with egg yolk, Gerber baby formula, berries and banana. Tomorrow he has to start learning to pick worms off the ground. Then a sad goodbye. :)
  • The last one was like. I’m no fool. I’m taking my easy meal and no one to fight with for it.
  • @Canuckmom128
    The last of my brood left the nest yesterday morning. Mama built her best in the corner of the windowsill outside my Guest Bedroom, so we have been able to watch, and I took live stills with my phone, of each stage. I even placed a few tasty worms and grubs up on the sill, which she feed to her brood of 4. She laid her eggs over 2 days, and #1 fledged on Wednesday and the other 3 yesterday. I was lucky - I had gone in to check, and carefully tucked my phone under the blind to get the photo. 20 minutes later they were out of the nest - never to return. We have a cedar hedge just under and to the side of their nest, so they are all in there. We can hear them when Mom comes with food. It's incredible how quickly the go from egg to fledgling. Nice distraction from Covid-19. 👍🐣💜🐦
  • @gracie5451
    I love how the last baby bird had its mouth open while hopping around like OMG LOOK AT THIS WORLD :0
  • I’ve been coming home every night to watch the nest outside my living room window. Who knew it would be so entertaining. I know they’re gonna leave then what am I gonna do?
  • @rosiegirl2485
    The Mama Robin will continue to feed her babies once they leave the nest. You will see them in the yard doing a little wing fluttering dance...and you will see the Mama feed them! I love watching them! Also...if, on a warm day, you have your hose on misting..or a sprinkler..the robins will shower in it! Its fun watching them. Thank you for sharing your babies with us! 🐦
  • @brieflean
    Me and my mo rescue birds! It’s so awesome when they live outside but fly up to u every time u go out
  • @wolfpackflt670
    "No more free worms!" Wrong, the parents still feed them up to a certain point after the chicks leave the nest.
  • @mmps18
    The family of robins near my window flew away before I woke up this morning. Your video makes me feel better because I was so sad I missed it 😭
  • @alexascully
    The mom and dad actually keep feeding the babies for another week after they fly from the nest. They spend a week on the ground growing and gaining more strength to be able to fly. Mom and dad are able to find them all and feed them during that time because they stay in the same vicinity.
  • @onelove255
    8:11 I was surprised that the mom came back. That was cool she make sure all leave.
  • @threecturner354
    Lol the last one wanted momma alllll it's always that one that will stay until you come home
  • @MelBee128
    They hopping is how robins encourage worms to come closer to surface. The hopping simulates the tapping of rain which drives worms crazy so they come up to surface to get away from it. That's why you always see worms coiled up under awnings so they don't have the rain constantly tapping on their "roof."
  • @Izatrapani1
    This is SO wonderful! I’ve been watching a robin’s nest in a tree in our yard, but it’s up about 10 feet, in the shade and hard to see. Knowing that robins and most birds fledge when they are fully grown, I wondered how the family could all fit in such a small nest. Now I know. Amazing! Thank you!
  • For some reason I think it's very satisfying seeing the parents come with a full beak of bugs for the babies! It makes me feel like they were able to get a nice meal!
  • We just had a nest of robins on our porch, nice and low where we could look into it. 4 hatched, 4 grew, and 4 just flew off a couple days ago. What a great blessing to watch them grow every day. So cute ;o)
  • I find it so adorable how they all pop up like that when mom comes home! I have three (originally four, one baby fell out early this morning, I believe ;-;) babies, I've been watching them every couple hours to see how it's going and good lord, they are loud!
  • Thanks for sharing Beth. And your daughter is so cute. I know this was a long time ago. I have been watching my nest all day because I don’t have a camera. I have four
  • @ernieturner7795
    Of all Gods creatures, birds are the most amazing builders, just above beavers.
  • Aw they are so scrawny and vulnerable at the start. Then they thicken up and grow their beautiful wings and feathers. It’s beautiful seeing their change