Resident Evil 4 Remake: Going To War With Fan Hype And Coming Out On Top

Published 2023-04-25
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My history with Resident Evil 4 is a spotty one. On one hand, its action packed gameplay is incredibly fun and engaging. On the other, it essentially acted as the nail in the coffin for classic resident Evil gameplay. That being the case I was really excited to see what Capcom would deliver when the Resident Evil 4 remake was announced. Because I have no real emotional attachment to the original, I think I'm a good candidate for viewing this remake a little more objectively. And even if I'm not, I'm gonna cover it anyways! This is the Resident Evil retrospective after all.

- Under the Mayo's RE4 No Zoom Mod Video (   • RE4 Remake Aiming Mod Tutorial - (Wor...  )

00:00 Intro
01:51 Development
04:04 Story
19:19 Gameplay
41:40 Presentation
57:33 Conclusion
59:53 End

All Comments (21)
  • Bro please pin this so people know or share it because i dont see anyone talking about it. For anyone who doesn't have all the RE's and has ps4 or ps5, right now there is an amazing sale on the PS store. I paid 70 for the RE4 remake and i paid only 65 dollars for every single other resident evil in the store!!! Huge sale!!! There is 60 percent off some of them. Even the 20 dollar ones are only 4.99 rn!!!
  • @seane318
    Avalanche Reviews still hasn't reviewed a single avalanche. Unbelievable
  • @JellyJman
    According to Leon’s voice actor, Capcom was gonna originally drop the bingo line but decided to keep it after Nick recorded it
  • Funny enough, if you add this to your updated “Every RE Game Reviewed” compilation video, your retrospective on RE4, plus the Every Port video, plus this one comes out to about 2 hours and 23 minutes meaning you’ve talked more about RE4 than any other game in the series
  • Yo!! Sorry it took so long to get this one out. I owe all of you exactly one kiss and\or hug.
  • @blueblood2486
    Jared, the low res textures are just a result of bad pop in. I've tested this and basically sometimes the high res textures have a problem loading in for certain textures, mainly fabric. But if I wait or reload the area, the high res version will pop in. You could see this especially with the fabric that shows the Ashley piggyback areas. And yeah it annoyed the hell out of me too, so you're not alone in that. I found that if I turned off the extra terrain setting, there would be way less pop in and the textures were way more consistent.
  • @HeisenbergFam
    I like how Ashley in 2005 didnt know how to climb down a ladder and 18 years later she finally learned how to do it
  • @arpadszabo661
    At first i was like “damn, the knife breaks? Lame”. Then it totally made sense after realising how many mechanics they added to it. Now it feels weird to play 2 and 3 remake without the knife mechanic lol. But obviously those games would be way too easy when most of the enemies are unarmed slow zombies
  • @MRevelle83
    I have been playing this game pretty much nonstop since it came out. It really is for me about equal to the original version. One thing that I kinda appreciate was the stronger ties to the overall RE continuity. Like Luis being one of the creators of Nemesis.
  • He doesn't even know who Ada is working for... Oh my God. He didn't even beat the game!
  • I definitely don't agree with any personal attacks on Ada's voice actress, but boy howdy she was terrible lol. Felt like she just woke up before delivering her lines.
  • Digital Foundry made a video about optimized settings for RE4R and they mentioned the low quality textures-- it's an issue on PC and it's related to the texture settings + pop in. Give it a look, after following their recommendations I got the game running 30% better and looking great.
  • 27:53 yes, ammo drop way less because: 1.- Now you can recover bolts to use with the crossbow. 2.- The game drop all those materials to craft more ammo. I don't really now what to think about it. The craft system is a nice way to obtain the ammo you really want instead of what the game gives you, but it add a new step and also fills your inventory with junk. In the original, even in professional i rever really was out of ammo (thanks partially to savvy knife use). I was carring most of the time 20 or more shootgun shells, 20 or more rifle bullets, multiple grenades. The only ammo i was missing was magnum bullets but i guess that worked as intended.
  • @FishRepair
    Glad to be back at the RE Retrospective!!
  • OG re4 has one of the best pacings in any game. it's highly replayable and the enviorement is so varied that nothing overstays it's welcome. That comment aside, I agree with a lot of your review, especially the toggle quicktime events option, that sounds so good it should be free dlc
  • OG re4 is a game that works well with what it's doing and is also still unique and special in it's own way. RE4 Remake is a different game with a different interpretation and take on the same thing the original did. OG re4 is irreplaceable. For example, the indestructible knife allowed for a gameplay where a lot could be done with very less and that made for it's own kind of great rewards. A constant weapon that if mastered, could lead to increasing accumulation of resources to make certain section easier or even use them to attempt crazier feats for the player. Hell, mastering that knife promised an escape from the need of tighter resource management or the need for resources at all, which was an amazing reward offered by the game. It was an amazing reward of it's own and even presented a brand of survival horror that relied more skill, reflexes, speed, understanding of the machanics of the game and patterns of the enemies, deeper understanding of the game level structure and environment after repeated playthroughs as opposed to puzzle solving and resources management (there maybe more and there may be some overlap but the point is that the survival horror presented is different). The knife in the remake is now just another expendable resource that needs to be managed, even if it does new things. It's just a different game. Also Leon being able to move and enemies being adjusted around it does not make for a better game, just different. Leon not moving in the OG and the way the enemies were adjusted around allowed it made for a different kind of game that had consistent patterns and therefore predictable patterns to their enemies and enemies combat design that is SUPER fair (Good invisibility frames, good crowd dispersal, slower and more comprehensible invasive enemy advencements, enemies announcing themselves whem closing in from invisible angles and generally not attacking from out of nowhere, sounded projectiles and maybe even more). The game is almost mechanical and mathematical. That is what makes it special in it's own way and unique even as a 3rd person shooter in general. That is why it is almost irreplaceable.
  • I don't agree with RE4R being more fluid when it comes to movement. It's fluid animation-wise but original is more snappy when it comes to movement and shooting. They added tons of contextual animations such as getting up from grenade shock or barely scraping by a grab similar to RE2R but that usually delays player inputs. I also noticed a slight delay from going to shooting > knife parry to shooting again which is a strange decision imo. One of the reasons why RE4 felt so fun to play was how snappy it felt imo. Character never does anything outside of what player asks them to. Quick turns also felt "more quick" in original imo.
  • @whimmmmy
    The cracked dialogue and bizarre tone whiplash is the heart and soul of the og game, I don't even think it's that far off from a lot of stuff in previous games. I just don't get the opinion of disliking camp and character when it's legitimately done well and isn't even a thing that is oversaturated in gaming. There's already a million other shooter or horror games where everything is serious strictly due to pre-conceived expectations of what that type of game should be like. To me that weird tone skating is the main draw of the game in a sea of media that is entirely focused on checking arbitrary boxes. RE4 is like James Bond vs. zombies, maybe it goes a bit further than that, but it never goes so overboard that it becomes Austin Powers vs. zombies. Look I'm just sayin' not one single time playin og RE4 did I say to myself "damn, I really wish this guy had PTSD from shooting an explosive barrel in a giant crocodile's mouth 6 years ago."
  • @ahmad92760
    I'm gonna have to disagree with the original not being neccessery anymore due to the remake. I loved RE2 remake but it will never replace OG 2, I never played RE4R but I imagine its not gonna be diffierent for me.