Audio | J. Krishnamurti & J. Needleman – Malibu 1971 – Dialogue 1 – The role of the teacher

Published 2018-04-29
Subtitles available in: ENGLISH

J. Krishnamurti & J. Needleman – Malibu 1971 – Dialogue 1 – The role of the teacher

Q: There is much talk of a spiritual revolution among young people. Do you see in this very mixed phenomenon any hope of a new flowering for civilisation or possibility of growth?

One can go into oneself at tremendous depths and find out everything. To go into oneself is the problem. Not being able to do it we ask for help.

If there were no books, no gurus, what would you do?

Q: You speak against effort, but doesn’t the growth and well-being of all sides of man demand something like hard work of one sort or another?

Why is there this cult of effort? Why have I to make effort to reach God, enlightenment or truth?

Why do we divide energy at all?

The observer only comes into being when wanting to change ‘what is’.

The state of not-knowing is intelligence.


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All Comments (15)
  • I am a friend of Jacob Needleman, and I am very grateful that this audio of these two great masters was recorded. Thank you.
  • With JK, it all starts at the level where thought begins. EXQUISITE analysis always by JK. And this is a classic book brought, and I'm grateful for it, to YouTube. Jacob Needleman is a great interlocutor here.
  • The matters discussed in part 1&2 of these dialogues clearly show up the important differences inherent in learning as we know it from accumulating knowledge bit by bit over time according to the orthodox way society has structured particular and general mainstream education (fragmentary) verses the intelligence that exudes from K’s holistic approach to observing the psychological significance of ordinary everyday happenings without inference or interference from past knowledge and experience captured in memory. The talks highlight the effects of the movement of time and thought structures which limit the learning process implicit and explicit through fragmented ways and means under the umbrella of individual consciousness. On the other hand, the clarity and simplicity of K comes to light in various examples of what transpires when the mind operates without a centre and therefore no dualistic divisions. Action through immediate intelligence is clearly shown as different from action produced by ideas and ideals emanating from mechanical memory intellectually. What do other listeners feel about these dialogues?
  • @heleneyayer6373
    Thanks for putting light on relationship with m'y former Guru and nos good friend.
  • @klofenster5784
    K: "What makes you lazy?" Prof(thinks hard): "The thought that I ought to get up . . . heh."
  • @db8205
    “They, we, say ‘Aw!’” What he said 14:44
  • @heleneyayer6373
    Sorry about that.,..the mental Can be a real problem, psychiatry is still giving drugs to quiet it all down ..Isn't making it worse?Learn to get rid of thoughts seems the only remedy, how control that.? Beauté Can only Come from peace.