自ら設計して新調した屋台も話題のワンオペ店主に密着!福岡・博多 海外からも大注目の愛され屋台!屋台けいじ Food Stall vendor Fukuoka Japan Yatai Keiji 하카타

"Yatai Keiji" is a popular food stall in Fukuoka (Hakata) that is crowded with many food stalls.

At the beginning of this year, the owner, who has a diverse background in architecture and design, renovated his stall based on his experience as a temple carpenter.
We took over the long-established food stall that was founded in 1991 from its predecessor, and we took a close look at the day-to-day of the popular food stall, which has been interviewed by many YouTubers.

[Store] Yatai Keiji
[Address] 1-1-29 Akasaka, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
[Map] maps.app.goo.gl/QSPzUaP8N8Jc7b316

★Stalls transported every day for 60 minutes one way
   • 営業前60分以上の長距離運搬!串揚げ・おでん・長浜ラーメンが人気の福岡のラ...  

★A concept stall created by a baseball-loving owner who started a stall in hopes of reviving Nagahama Yatai.
   • ホークスが好きすぎて福岡へ移住して屋台を開業!福岡・長浜屋台街の復活に尽力...  

★This is a "serious Chinese food" stall run by a Chinese owner who made everything himself, from the stall to the signboard!
   • 屋台も看板もすべて自作のカスタム屋台のワンオペ屋台店主!留学中に中洲屋台で...  

★Popular food stall in Fukuoka/Nagahama food street Yatai
   • 福岡のハイテンション店主の屋台!長浜屋台街で連日賑わう肉巻串の人気屋台の1...  

コメント (21)
  • @hiobi1172
    This guy is really really impressive. The amount of energy and dedication to set up the stall, and then to continue with the cooking for and entertaining the customers. This is no joke - it takes a lot of effort and hard work to run this business. He has my utmost respect 🥰
  • @agustyuant
    already exhausted just watching him prepare all the stuff by himself 🥵
  • @mya200014
    Dude hasn't even started the day and he has probably burnt over 2000 calories by just prepping. The dedication is outstanding!
  • The fact you leave your equipment alone and nothing is missing tells me a lot about your culture!!❤❤❤❤
  • @terryb3790
    私はいつも日本人を尊敬しています 🙏 ユニークな人々、自然、文化を持つこの素晴らしい国が大好きです。 。ブルガリアからこんにちは🇧🇬🙏🙇
  • 宮大工の資格があるらしく、屋台もその伊勢の神社で使用する木材を取り寄せて、自ら手作りで、誰の手も借りず屋台も引いて組み立てすごい人です
  • I am in AWE of this man. He works so insanely hard and provides such simple yet high quality food. Japanese people have no idea how lucky they are to have artisans like this, he would make a fortune in California. I really want him to get a donkey to help him pull his restaurant.
  • @lukelu5902
    老闆您好: 我是台灣的觀眾 看您的工作,真是佩服。體力的付出很大,時間很長。配料、食材、用具煩瑣。 耐力真是~無敵。 祝福您~生意興隆
  • Is this everyday? I am thoroughly impressed with the fact that nothing was stolen. You can't get away with that in the U.S.A. These individuals are awesome!
  • @reygon5125
    This is really hard work you must have the strength to move all the equipment & tools not only once but thrice(×2 including closing) just maneuvering the street with a cart that is full of heavy load which he build & designed by himself you have to give this man respect.
  • I’m so amazed at how hard working many asian people are. They have old fashioned morals and work ethics. I pray you are very successful 🙂
  • @kou5048ify
  • This is one hard working young men. I can't imagine setting up and taking down that restaurant every day and also all the cooking inbetween. Great video. Someone buy this man a restaurant. His food is more than street food.
  • @143tktk
    カメラの奥のお客さんが、じっと見てるの分かる。 調理工程ずっと見てて飽きない。 魅力的すぎる。
  • Anche io a Firenze ITALIA.apro un banco..ma Tu hai tanto lavoro da fare. COMUNQUE SEI BRAVO COMPLINENTI..QUESTO CHE FAI..LO FAI CON PASSIONE E SI VEDE...👍!!!...GRANDEEE!!!!
  • @naomilee8839
    Everything about this is 1st class ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Amazing! This has to be the most beautiful food stall I’ve ever seen. Too perfect to be called a food stall. I can’t even wrap my mind around the tremendous effort just to set up and take down everything, but also all the prep work, shopping etc before that, and clean up afterwards… And then to be such a classy chef with amazing people skill on top of everything else! This guy is mind blowing and very impressive!
    博多は凄いなぁ♪ 博多に行ったらここのお店行ってみたいね♪ 見てて楽しい♪
  • @koinuya7756
    毎日雨が降っても雪が降っても屋台組み立ててバラして仕込みして・・・ それだけでも凄いわ
  • @kou5048ify
  • 福岡に住んでますが、福岡が、綺麗で、明るい仕事人が、居て幸せ❤