Published 2023-02-12

All Comments (21)
    Apologies for some of the champion misspells! I didn't catch them in time to change. I also have a new download link for new players if anyone is interested. It includes a free epic champion (rotates every month), some xp boosts and ancient shard. clcr.me/CWA_Raid1_Feb23
  • @evolyn403
    As a new player to the game, i've been going through all of your old videos and guides and I'm always happy to see new updated versions of the old stuff in my subscription feed. It's been a huge help and I've avoided a lot of new player mistakes by watching your content!
  • @tommeagher235
    I was literally just looking through your older videos for beginner priorities. This, this is exactly what I need. Been playing for about 4 months and I still need a lot of help. Something else I'd personally enjoy is a few begin game priorities/ importance of things like great Hall, masteries, gear, areas to focus on etc. Baby steps of you will... Appreciate you!
  • @Marrero1
    Saying that an ability has a 100% chance to land, and also needs accuracy, makes that the most confusing mechanic in the game.
  • @UncloudedBear
    I started Raid over a month ago and you and your content has been a huge factor in continuing to play because you have all the answers to my questions haha and I enjoy you as a person I stopped playing I wouldn’t have a reason to come back! Thanks for being you man 👍🏻 God Bless
  • @dnaseb9214
    Help ! If I missed 1 event in this fusion, does it mean I lost the legendary and no point trying to do the other events ?
  • @IrisCrain
    One question a clanmate asked me and I couldn't answer, and I haven't seen in any of the videos of CCs - is Hard 12-3 better than say Brutal 5-3 or 7-3 or whatever? You get a lot more XP on the earlier Brutal... And I adore Ash, he was the first CC I found/watched, and I love how conscientious he is about social issues like self-care and mental health. Absolutely fabulous. Thank you Ash!!
  • Thank you for your videos! I completely agree with you, I had the same reaction when I got it as my 4th legendary thinking it can only be useful for Faction wars, and then I gave him a try and love it. I only wish he had a longer heal reduction spell as Ultimate DeathKnights crowded arena
  • I have followed you and watched a ton of your videos, but by far this has been the most eye-opening and best advice videos I have seen you do. THANK YOU SO MUCH!
  • Love your content so much as well as your always positive happy aura / vibe! So awesome! Keep it up!
  • @ddesalvatore
    I feel like I've been behind the 8ball following hellhades mastery on champions. That part was an eye opener
  • <3 i was going through shit today bro. my lift sucked but after hearing that quote i am no longer in my head. thanks ash
  • @Eazy_Bruh
    I love you ash, thanks for that message in the beginning. I’m always that one dude that says that kinda stuff is cringe but lately my life has really sucked but it can always be worse! Much love to you Ash, I just started playing this game “seriously” rather than just logging in lol
  • @arthurinjapan
    Love the video. Can you put a list of all the 50 tips and related seconds? I was looking for a specific one again and it was difficult to go through the whole video. Thanks Ash! :person-turqouise-waving:
  • @skidougal
    Single target res order is a little different to how you stated it at index 7:30 , it will always res by champ rarity first, then turn slot if dead allies are all the same rarity. overall though, very useful vid for most players!
    I am SOOOOOO glad the pecking order was explained properly!! ty ashman i didnt realize it was for ally attack,revive,an debuff ...... bout time someone with a brain layed it down! i been searching for that answer for 2 damn years
  • @TinMox5831
    Tons of great info in a nice, tidy package! One thing I'd mention about Ice Golem is how impressively Dark Elhain performs there. She's been one of the most transformative champs for my account, besides Leggos.