What's the difference between Southern Resident and Bigg's killer whales?

Published 2024-03-27
A new report from the National Marine Fisheries Service has distinguished two killer whale species in the North Pacific Ocean areas.

While killer whale experts and the federal government have distinguished the species for decades, scientists in the new report have provided expansive data on what the differences between the species are. The report is part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

“It’s the scientific community that’s finally caught up,” said David Bain, chief scientist for Orca Conservancy. The new research comes from improvements in genetic sequencing testing, he added.

The report states killer whales have been considered one worldwide species, but now biologists are recognizing the differences between resident killer whales and Bigg’s killer whales.

READ MORE: www.king5.com/article/tech/science/environment/new…

All Comments (4)
  • @lizabethLarsen
    There was a wonderful article in the Times today, 3-27-24. Very informative and nice and long. You should get them to repeat it again, maybe on a sunday? Thank you for info.