Israelis protest detention of soldiers over suspected rape of Palestinian detainee

“They’re just doing their work. They work hard, they’re in war.”

Israelis protested outside the Sde Teiman military base near Beersheba on Monday against the detention of nine soldiers suspected of raping a Palestinian detainee held there.

The detainee is suffering from “a serious wound in his rectum area” according to Arab48, while Haaretz said the prisoner is unable to walk.

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コメント (21)
  • @ice-cream313
    People who think genocide is a righteous act can believe any evil thing they do is righteous.
  • Standing in solidarity with soldiers accused of torture and rape. That’s Israeli society for you.
  • "when lawyer come and investigate, its not normal" dude himself said investigating crime isn't normal in Israel, what else do zois supporters want to hear
  • These peoples have good mind or not? One man telling raping is soldiers work. They did their work. What is that? I don’t know in Israel can’t show even one good person.
  • "Indeed, those who have tortured the believing men and believing women and then have not repented will have the punishment of Hell, and they will have the punishment of the Burning Fire." Quran 85:10
  • Hes seriously standing there trying to justify sexual torture . Sickening
  • @Banna-
    Seeing the title, i was thinking, "its a bit weird ". Now I know. It's infuriating how they doesn't even treat Palestinians as human. There are no issrahelli civilian. Only illegal occupiers and criminals. Except babies
  • Inhumane. Justice needs to be served to save these people. Sodom.