Stormgate Founders Address Art Style Concerns, Campaign & More.. ► Frost Giant Q&A

Publicado 2024-07-06
In a recent AMA on Reddit, Frost Giant Studios gave us a lot of insight into their vision for the game and how things will progress into Early Access and beyond.

AMA -…

00:00 Intro
01:24 Artstyle/Aesthetic Questions
08:11 Campaign Questions
11:54 Will more fantasy elements be introduced?
12:42 Easter Eggs?!
13:22 Multiple Worlds/Tilesets
14:20 Is Stormgate TOO Similar to Starcraft 2?
15:59 Early Access Packs & Campaign Access
18:44 Will Performance Improve?
20:20 ''Firestorm'' Fog of War Shader

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @gaborkepiro9061
    My biggest issue is that they describe the humans as a post infernal apoc survivor group who gather tech relics. 'Scrappy' is the word they used... now that polished overwatch looking design doesnt fit their description at all... neither of their units look old, rugged or battleworn from previous encounters with the demons
  • @ZombieApocalypse09
    Great sumamry but correction: When SC1 was first demo'd on discs that I believe were available with Diablo 1? I forget. Anyway, the zerg in the demo mission weren't called "zerg" they were called "Xenomorphs" (a la the Aliens movies and in WH40K the Space Marines call all aliens "Xenos") SC was also labeled a Starship Troopers knockoff when it came out. It also got remarked on even more frequently for its similarity to Warhammer 40K (just as Warcraft had for Warhammer Fantasy). Especially since the first Tyranid codex was 1995. It really felt like ok the main unit for the terrans is a marine in power armor with a big blasty gun (Space Marines) who are treated as expendable by leaders with strong russian overtones (Imperial Guard - see Commissar). The second faction are a hive minded buggy swarm (Tyranid). And the third faction are ancient and wise psychic aliens (Eldar). The difference back then is most people just didn't care that it wasn't super original or anything. Most games didn't even really try to be original. They were just trying to bring all these things we loved to this new medium of videogames and make them more and more closely resemble the way we all imagined it. So yeah, Starcraft took a lot from WH40K and Starship Troopers, so what? It was fun and was clearly made with care for the game and the fantasy first. Before the internet the guy poopooing Starcraft for "ripping off" 40K just wasn't invited to your LAN party. Now all those guys patrol reddit and youtube comments thirsting for an opportunity to tear down anybody feeling joy over something.
  • @Roberto_B.M.
    I hope that the coop and story are good I already like how the game plays and looks and I just want the story to be interesting and the coop to be fun
  • @Lestat13TheVampire
    Remember how Starcraft had like 3 different versions of the Zergling between various concepts, cutscene renders, then final sprite? That was because there were multiple artists fighting for the ultimate "cool" thing they could contribute to the game. Personally I don't see the appeal of the artstyle they've landed on, but maybe the process has something to do with that. It doesn't seem as scrappy, and "rule of cool" focused.
  • @parrotsticks
    My understanding is that when a movie looks cheap, badly planned lighting is the main culprit, 99%. What Stell said gives me a lot of hope that they'll be aiming for a more cinematic feel by release.
  • @fett84
    Readability can use some improvement from a spectator perspective. Vanguards have the clearest unit and army silhouette so far, and that's probably due to the amount of time and iteration spent on them. The Exo and Vulcan units are pretty iconic and can easily be recognizable as the faces of the race. However, the Imps and Brutes of the Infernal Host seem to have a lot murkier design language. Compared to Zerglings and Hydralisks, the Infernal Hosts need units with much stronger character, movement, and army cohesion. As it stands, when you see an Infernal Host army, they look like a mish-mash of SC2 critters and WC3 creeps. The Celestials have slightly better silhouettes with the Argents, Sabers, and Arcship. However, when the Argents are clumped up in an army, they do become a little hard to read with all of the busy details. Oftentimes, it's hard to tell which direction the Argents are facing and how many are on screen. As it stands, both the Infernal Host and Celestials need their refined version of an iconic unit to be their face of the race.
  • @user-nz9ux9hw4m
    Thank you very much for the interesting video! I'm glad they started talking about a fourth race and more variety of maps. The graphics of the game, of course, are controversial, but overall they will do. The main thing is to get rid of the terrible deer, chickens and beetles as soon as possible. They must be replaced with normal neutral units that will enrich the environment, such as marauders or mutants created due to infernal magic.
  • @unagiandroe
    They're going to have to do a hell of a lot more than this to compete with Zerospace and Battle Aces. The art looks like something out of toy soldiers.
  • @hoovy4629
    Honestly, in my opinion on the art, stormgate looks ok now? The terrain and lighting sucks right now, but most of the units and structures for vanguard and infernal look great, and for celestial, it sounds like there needs to be a few art tweaks, especially with units such as the vector, but otherwise I think celestial still looks nice.
  • @amundjaatun7474
    Wow! Must say im very pleased with the anwsers given in the qna! Cant wait!
  • @danielp8433
    i dont really understand the hardware requirements for stormgate´s visuals. i doesnt look better than sc2(except explosion effects maybe)
  • @fabian4980
    I really like many effects in SG like Saber or Hellborn shots, I can't wait for new lightning and tilesets, I think that SG visuals will be really good after some time. I definitely see improvements making by FG over time
  • @movntn
    Awesome update as always. Thanks for the stormgate content ❤
  • Honestly, I have no issues with the artstyle. People who say it'll hurt the game seem to forget that almost every super-popular game nowadays has it. Fortnite, Dota, League of Legends, Overwatch, even Apex Legends to a degree. Also it'll make the game age far more gracefully than if they went uber-realistic and gritty. People here just love to complain.
  • @user-mz1dw5bs4s
    No matter what they or anyone else says, I still can't get over the artstyle. It looks like Red Alert 3 but without the humor.
  • @Ryöken17
    I think the best thing that could happen to frost giant is a secretly 4th race...