Miss Kansas calls out her abuser on stage: "My abuser is here today"

Before Alexis Smith was crowned Miss Kansas in June, she informed audience members what she envisioned her message would be if she were named the 2024 titleholder.

A video clip of what Smith said is now going viral after it was shared on the Miss Kansas Organization's social media pages on July 12 and has picked up over 200,000 views on Instagram.

"My vision as the next Miss Kansas is to eliminate unhealthy and abusive relationships," Smith said, before adding, "Matter of fact, some of you out in this audience saw me very emotional because my abuser is here today, but that's not going to stop me from being on this Miss Kansas stage and from representing as the next Miss Kansas because I and my community deserve healthy relationships. We deserve a domestic, free life. Thank you."

コメント (21)
  • Wow that's what I call a true warrior standing up for herself. Congratulations Miss Kansas.🙏💪👍👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  • Yes Ma’am Your Awesome! Congratulations and keep Your Abuser Away Your Beautiful 🙏
  • God bless her. The laws regarding abuse needs to be strengthened. ROs need to be stronger and more enforceable.
  • If it were someone like Johnny Depp up there instead, these guys would be on his side. Instead, so much speculation and victim blaming for pointing it out. People are quick to judge her for "pandering" or "not pointing him out." But consider that she's making a stand to him directly, and not putting a spotlight on him is her showing him how much power she has in that moment but refuses to unleash on him. And also it's her moment, no need to involve him past that. Maybe consider how some of these commenter's rhetoric harm the people around them. Perpetuating a culture of not standing your ground or making a statement.
  • @daa4309
    I know that wasn't easy, but she did something that many wish they could do: She stood up to her abuser!! Blessings to her. I pray for her safety.
  • You notice she didn't point him out! I wonder why? Also, how is she gonna eliminate unhealthy and abusive relationships when shes protecting her alleged abuser. 🤦🏾
  • @Edwardsjm
    Probably a bunch of bs to get people to feel sorry for her
  • @oeao2841
    How come women do all this talking but dint point these guys out?
  • @elchamber
    If its true, pretty damn cool. Don't be afraid.