Timothy Jones Trial Day 6 Part 3

Published 2019-05-22

All Comments (14)
  • He is not mentally ill, he is not stupid, he is just heartless. Needs to be put away for life or death penalty. All those babies
  • @AmethystSnow
    what gets me about him is that he isn't even looking at the call logs, but he stared almost hungrily up at the screen when the medical examiner was showing her medical findings about his kids
  • @pattivasile2953
    He planned these murders, he was just waiting for the perfect time to do it. Claiming his son played with a light socket. Those boys ages were such as they knew not to play with that. He was all doped up and drugged up and decided he would play God and kill his children to keep them from their mother. He is narcissistic sociopath who had a need to get even with his ex. I don't blame his crappy childhood excuse either cause my childhood sucked and I didn't kill my children or husband. I think his ex wife was lucky because had he not got caught, I guarantee he would have murder her too.
  • @mynineandi
    I get it is hard to watch this attorney defend this monster. But if he doesn’t pretend to do a good job, the case can be retried again due to ineffective counsel. I appreciate him doing what he has to put him away and not waste another minute of these people’s time. I can’t imagine how hard it would be for all the witnesses to do this all over again.
  • @bethanders344
    hearing the text messages read allowed about the kids is heart wrenching, because as they were sending them they had no idea they were all dead. "I have all these clothes for the kids" ... "make sure you bring diapers"...honestly its horrific hearing it because they simply had no idea they were never going to see those kiddos again.
  • @denisemoore4000
    This man is not insane. Just because someone has "mental" issues does not mean they are insane or that they don't know right from wrong. He knew right from wrong. He was able to "shift gears" and make statements like he was "afraid of his kids" and they were plotting against him when he thought it would benefit him. He did this out of spite, he was angry, enraged. And he may be telling the truth that he "accidentally" caused the death of his son because of his anger or by PTing him, but that does not explain or condone killing the other four. He should be put to death. People have their priorities completely wrong, and can't see the forest for the trees. I think the death penalty is a serious thing to consider, and I don't know what I would do if I were tasked with this. But too often, because the person standing trial is a live, breathing person, the focus of what happened shifts from the victims to the perpetrator. STOP DOING THIS. STOP THINKING WITH YOUR EMOTIONS. There are consequences for your actions. Forgiveness doesn't mean that you don't have to pay for your sins, it just means that you're forgiven. You still have to pay for your sins, whatever that payment happens to be.
  • @JessBecause77
    Strange for him to be looking up that American History X scene right after killing his kids. He's scared and I hope he lives in fear every single day left in his miserable life.
  • @Rae_777
    .*those data. Datum is single and data are plural.
  • @mikeg1226
    Just let the dude go free. Dont allow him to be a baby sitter