Discussing a subject that people often stray from the Bible.

Published 2024-04-19
I find it fascinating how, in so many movements throughout church history, there seem to be the same sort of things that people want to get away from. One of those issues is hell. This topic makes many progressives uncomfortable. In this video, my guest, Lucie Clark discusses the Mormon perspective on hell. Don't miss this important topic.

All Comments (17)
  • @lindamorgan6734
    Thank you for sharing this info. It's so important to be educated about beliefs of others.
  • @commoveo1
    Michael Heiser gives a nice explanation.
  • @MarkWCorbett1
    First: I thank God Lucie found biblical truth and salvation and had the courage to leave the Mormon faith! Second: I also thank God for Alisa's ministry. May He continue to help many people through her! Third: Concerning progressives rejecting the doctrine of hell, I am convinced that a big part of the reason for this is that the traditional doctrine of hell as eternal torment is wrong. They sense this and reject it. But they almost always choose a false alternative such as some type of universalism. The Bible teaches neither eternal torment nor universalism. It teaches Conditional Immortality (aka annihilationism). I have videos about this topic on my own YouTube channel.
  • @truthwatch2858
    Alisa do you have naturally curly hair? How do you get it to look like that?
  • Life is a journey, i know things which i was not aware of last week. We do not need to justify our past choices after new information comes to light. The Grace which our God has is beyond the conditional love that the world feels & experiences. Hell & all that it intails is clearly stated throughout scripture. We always need to remember that this world & everything in it & around it was created by our one true God. Therefore, his word is to be held & understood at the same magnitude. Hell is a real place where everything that is of God, does not exist. The biggest problem in our churches is the influx of a non offending love gospel & a lack of sound doctrine, esp when it comes to salvation messages, sin, repentance & who the church body is actually representing. The term "Modenr Christianity curdles my milk. I am a hard sell if you try to tell me that God is not the same as he was yesterday.
  • First! (Will edit this comment after watching the rest of the video)
  • @johnsmit5999
    So do Mormons believe women can be gods as well? Do they have the same expectations as men relative to the after life?
  • Poor Joseph Christ ... he lost his beloved son at Calvary and cast a reincarnational spell on our world in his grief. He wants us all to find the Kingdom of God (limitless space and time in the here and now) so that we wont ever again suffer from Lucifer's Manifest Destiny.
  • @davidchase1439
    Per Lds mormon makes can elevate to godhood majority mon Mormons end up on earth very few like Cain get into hell
  • @Origen17
    The Reconciliation of All Things is not a "progressive" theology. It is essentially Paul's gospel, and was almost universally (pardon the pun) held to by the first 500 years of church fathers, with Augustine being the notable exception. It is shedding the vestiges of the Roman church's clutching for power and control over people, and freeing us to truly understand the nature of God's judgment - not punitive, but restorative (like a father would). That's not to say judgment doesn't exist, it's just that it ends in God's prescribed time of correction, whatever that may be. "Gehenna" burned until the trash was consumed, not forever. "Forever", by the way, is a mistranslation of aionian, which actually means "age-lasting". It has to, according to His own law, which expresses his very essence and character.
  • The Bible is in errant and those who dont accept it is due to their misinformation for what ever reason they choose to not accept it. Hell is real and IS eternal period
  • In the new covenant Hell is no more as it is cast into the lake of fire, as those in Christ shall be raised by the Spirit to heaven, backsliders and unbelievers shall perish on earth.
  • God is not religion. You don’t need to go to church. Just read your bible and all the truth is in God's word. This is a direct path to God and true salvation.
  • False….false….false! It pains me to listen to hear her share misinformation. Ugh!!!!!
  • @lifeinthe80s
    Mormon definition of hell is irrelevant because there IS no hell! You all aren’t children anymore. Grow tf up!
  • If hell exists for folks that have died and no longer exist then that is what the Hebrew god wants. Personally I think death is the end of you, but you go ahead and make up stories about life after death.