Why I Took A Break from Daily Vlogging

If you're thinking about starting a DAILY VLOG or feeling the pressure of having one currently. WATCH THIS NOW.

コメント (6)
  • Proud of you brother. Glad you recharged and crazy excited to see what you’re creating next!
  • Vlogging can take up a lot of time, between the planning, filming and editing there is lots to do. It is great that you are putting your family first. We have been vlogging since January and have been enjoying doing them as a family and sharing a bit about us and our adventures. ~Jennifer
  • I know we don't really know each but through an online format. But this is something I struggle with daily. I'm really glad to find someone else who values their family enough to spend time with them while things are happening. I'm very annoyed with the mantra of hustling harder or working more or sleep when your dead or make money now so you won't have to later. I value my time with my wife and kids above all else. And I find it narrow-minded and selfish when people take advantage of there family. There may come a day when your mismanagement of your family relationships may lead to you not having one. I've worked too hard to get where I am to throw it away for a couple more bucks or another deal.
  • I figured that might have been the reason and while I missed you, I understand. One thing that always came through your videos is your commitment and love for your family. But even more so than your daily vlog...where is Woody's Science Sunday!?!?!