The TRUTH About Podcast SEO

Publicado 2021-07-23
In this clip from Buzzcast 56, we discuss Mark Steadman's write-up on how to maximize search engine optimization within podcast listening apps.

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Todos los comentarios (10)
  • @theProf_01
    These are data that are super important. Who knew that what we intuitively thought was important for SEO really isn’t. The 5 top areas you discussed help to achieve a better understanding of this process. I really enjoy these outtakes from the podcast. Keep’em coming!👍
  • That's fascinating. I was always told that our episodes are searched through show notes. Huh, we learn something new every day! Thanks!
  • @jbryan6051
    This is so helpful. Thank you so much!
  • In buzzsprout profile settings, the "Artist" field. Which displays on iTunes as the author, is that equivalent to "Channel/itunes:author" ?
  • @maricelp116
    Channel Title is the Podcast Title, and Item Title is the episode title?