Scariest Stalker on Twitch


コメント (21)
  • @scotty212
    Let’s not forget. A guy went to prison for a bomb threat on RuneScape, these stalkers are 10x if not more of an ACTUAL risk.
  • This isn't limited to stalking Internet celebrities. Real people get stalked by exes or just someone they were nice to once. Nothing happens until a stalker goes too far.
  • I had a friend in high school who had a stalker, she was in a relationship and turned this guy down on numerous occasions. He was like 22 and she was 16, but he had enough of her rejecting him, got a gun and found where she lived. He attacked her once and the police were called and he wasn't caught, she also told them he had a weapon but nothing was done. A week later he broke into her house, killed her dad, her girlfriend, and then himself. I had to go to a funeral for a girl I had known since 5th grade and the other girl moved away. Because you're right, they don't take it seriously until someone ends up fucking dead.
  • Long before I was born, my mom was stalked by a cop. He would follow her around, pull her over in the middle of nowhere and make her get out of her car and walk back while he followed in his car, showing up at her job, etc. It all came to a head when my uncle visited my mom at her job (she was a bartender at the time) and the cop assaulted him and threatened him bc he didn’t know he was her brother. My biological father (who was my moms boyfriend at the time) knew one of the higher ups in the cops department but the BEST they could do was move him to a different area away from my mom. Like 6-8 months after this he pulled over a different woman in the middle of the night (who he had been stalking) in the middle of nowhere and raped her. Stalking isn’t considered a serious crime until they harm you.
  • Thanks for talking about this! To clarify the guy did assault me and there was a whiteness, but the police didn't press charges. Another time they took a knife off him while he was on his way (drunk) to my house and let him go. Two men had to restrain him when he followed me into a shop and chased me. They took him in for one night and let him go. I can't have a gun because I have tourettes and it wouldn't be safe for me to use one. The police have just suggested that I quit my streaming career because they would rather I quit my job then have to actually do theirs. We have to fend for ourselves. I put my money into my mum's care needs so I could never afford 24 hour security guards. If I quit tomorrow none of these stalkers will forget me or stop, I will just have less money to spend protecting myself from them. I'm angry for all all the streamers who have to face this every day. We literally risk our lives to entertain people. 😞
  • Stalkers don't get enough punishment. History has shown how dangerous they are. There has to be better punishment for these types of things
  • This reminds me of the Cindy James murder. Cindy was living alone and some dude who she never even saw began harassing her and eventually began cutting her phone lines, breaking windows, breaking IN, and eventually killing her while she was hog tied, partially strangled and shot up on drugs. She called the police several times and they eventually just ignored her. She also moved cities over and over
  • I lived with a stalker for a year, they really don't get punished at all. My roommate was female too, so they REALLY did not take it seriously. She sent over a hundred long deranged incel emails to this poor boy and finally had a psychotic break after getting nothing in return. She then spent every waking moment outside looking for him, I even had to hide all of our kitchen knives because she had become so unhinged. Law enforcement told us that we couldn't even legally force her out unless she actually hurt someone, I had to tell her to gtfo myself. It actually angers me how little law enforcement does with stalking until it's too late. This poor boy never felt safe and I know it's gonna take him quite a bit of time to feel normal again.
  • My sister had a stalker. Dude drove over three hours to my dad's house trying to find her. He claimed he was her "teacher" and wanted to return her school books. Nobody has any idea who this old guy is, he definitely isnt one of her professors, and the cops didn't do anything about it because he "technically" didn't do anything wrong... Now she is always afraid, constantly looking over her shoulder, terrified that this guy is gonna kidnap her.
  • @VileVamp
    Stalking needs to be taken more seriously in the courts. Shit like this and the entire Papparazi thing needs to end. Like, the idea that being a public figure makes you lose your right to privacy is outrageous.
  • the fact that the police does nothing about stalkers is terrifying. it shouldn't take someone dying/getting assaulted for them to do something.
  • The victim is not to blame, the stalker is to blame. She should be able to stream peacefully. No-one should have to fear their job.
  • Here in Ireland, stalking was changed to a criminal offence about 2 years ago. I was shocked to here that it wasn't an offence before that.
  • @Miaaooou
    Can y'all believe some people actually blame HER for getting harassed
  • I understand how it can be rocky because a crime 'hasnt yet been committed,' but honestly stalking in and of itself should be considered a violent crime, under the same logic as false bomb/shooting threats. (Actually) stalking someone, no matter the motive, makes them fear for their safety/life, and reasonably so. The amount of crippling and genuine fear that you can cause that person can be detrimental to their mental and even physical health. Stalking should absolutely be punishable without them having to commit another crime.
  • It boggles my mind that law enforcement act exactly like teachers when it comes to bullies in school it seems when it comes to stalkers. Ridiculous that there's nothing that can be done in cases like these.
  • @CBFan5000
    The fact that stalking is rarely punished breeds more stalkers. Why would someone not stalk when the worst that usually happens is a slap on the wrist by the cops then you're set free?
  • there was a girl whose boyfriend was stabbed to death in their home by her stalker (David Heiss), who met her online and obsessed about her to the point he travelled to the UK from Germany to arrive at her house unannounced after getting her address from her friends on the forum they met on. this shit can escalate so quickly so i really can't believe how lax law enforcement still is regarding stalking. i feel like this can be one of the scariest, most violating things that can happen to a person. so fucked up.
  • My mother also had a stalker a couple of years ago. I'm not gonna explain the full story because honestly it's pretty tedious but it definitely wasn't as bad as Anita's or Amouranth's. He'd still follow her everywhere and try to talk to her, he also found out where she lives and would ring her door every other day. She went to the police 3 times and they pretty much ignored her, claiming there was nothing they could do. 3 weeks after all this started he rang the door when I was alone at her house, so I grabbed a bat and handled the situation by myself. It's been a couple years and had no more news of him. To this day, I can't think of any other way any of us could've handled the situation better, and yet, if he pressed charges against me I'd get in trouble. Victims of stalking are extremely vulnerable and I believe it's a legal problem, instead of a police one.
  • Dispatchers are supposed to take situations like this seriously. They’re trained for situations like this. What a disgrace of a human being