Silent Running preview

Published 2008-02-07
This is a spoiler free scene from the 1972 movie 'Silent Running' to create interest for this great film.

Freeman Lowell (Bruce Dern) works aboard a spaceship as a caretaker that carries some of the last remaining trees and plants from Earth.

The environment on Earth has become too hot to sustain most plantlife, so it was blasted off into space in the hope it could return one day.

Now that it is decided that the domes on the ships containing the forests are to be blown up, and that the whole project is thus canceled...

All Comments (21)
  • @scoob2007
    Great Scene!! This was probably one of the first films where Bruce Derne wasn't cast as a villian. He showed a fantastic emotional/psychological range.
  • @Stahldorn
    This film puts tears in my eyes every time i see it. and i have seen it at least 10-15 times.
  • @paulonius42
    Such a classic film, such a passionate performance by Dern. Thanks for posting this scene; you're right, it's a great preview for the film. Sadly, it's all too real, too--especially the comment about how if people cared, they'd have done something long ago. More than 35 years after this film, we can see how little most people care...and sadly, things are getting worse.
  • @yellinginmyear
    My favourite scene in this film, along with the card game Freeman has with the drones. Thanks for posting :)
  • @oneinsixcom
    It's so good they put the domes in Battlestar Galactica's rag tag fleet.
  • When i asked myself which modern actors could ressurrect this unforgettable performance by Bruce Dern, i first thought Matt Damon but then i thought he'd be better as Keenan, (in the red uniform) and then it hit me! Matt McCaunaghey in Bruce Dern's famous role, his most important role ever
  • @rjkral
    ANYONE want to help start a SILENT RUNNING FAN CLUB? This film is just TOO good. Imagine if we had enough members and could gather a crowd in LA and screen it on a big screen in a theater, and invite Douglas Trumbal, Dern etc..! heck we'd have a great time even if we couldn't get the celebs from the film but you never know. Send me a message if you're interested. I do have contacts in Hollywood so it might not be out of the question and it's worth a shot.
  • @odiemodie1
    Of all of the early 70's "Flower Power" & "Hippie" era films, this one stands out. What a prediction... Bruce Dern's character Lowell Freeman had just said is exactly what is shockingly happening now... many species of plants and animals that ever grew, ran, swam, creeped and crawled is indeed slowly but surely disappearing from the face of the Earth. This film was way ahead of its' time, and the way the fellow crew members acted is what many are today. Makes me ashamed to be a human being...
  • @ghostmanlostsoul
    The robots in this film blow away R2D2 and C3PO. And this movie blows away STAR WARS!
  • @ghostmanlostsoul
    George Lucas said the Bruce Dern should have gotten an Oscar for this film.
  • @Guitarman1959
    This scene, indeed this movie, appears to be becoming more and more  prophetic with the advent of 3D printing. 
  • @RasMajnouni
    I saw Bruce Dern's first movie in 1969 (with Jane Fonda), seems when he rants its not acting, but just him.
    Actually, I watched the movie because Joel Hodgson said in an interview that MST was sort of based on Silent Running.
  • @geocraftsman
    I love this scene, but... seriously... it should be renamed 'LOWELL'S FLOWER RANT.' Who's with me?
  • @heyrodders
    VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV Here's to the brave crews of The Valley Forge... The Berkshire and The Sequoia.... Peace V xx VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV
  • @philipg52
    So what do the lower classes do when all the trees have gone? His family will starve and so will yours.Think conservation, cull the upper classes, not the trees !!!!!!!!!