Dyspo's a Dumbass.

Published 2023-04-19
I’m an idiot for not figuring this out sooner. I mean, it’s only three frames and after Gohan attempted to kick, it did touch Dyspo’s afterimage.

Dyspo’s too fast for even me to see. Damn. It’s either that, or I’m blind.

Also, while Dyspo would’ve kicked Frieza’s ass off the stage and would’ve probably absolutely destroy Hit if he actually used his “Super Sonic Speed” mode, he’s still an idiot.

Bro managed to toss himself off the ring somehow forgetting Hit has a timeskip, or he’s incredibly cocky and overconfident.

Bro got smacked real hard in the face because he was getting incredibly confused on whether or not Hit would use his timeskip. (Not really a dumbass moment, but it was funny.)

Also, this guy quite literally nearly lost on two separate occasions, and hasn’t eliminated shit during any of his fights, but at least he went out with actually getting someone out, sort of.


All Comments (4)
  • Dude was talking shit to everyone in the tournament Just cause he knew Jiren would save his sorry ass if he messed up
  • @Indictioned
    Dyspo deadass tried to avoid an attack with his super sonic speed in a laser field lmao I'm an idiot for basically thinking Gohan kicked him into the laser field.