Clues to the Diagnosis of Antiphospholipid Syndrome (Hughes' Syndrome) - Prof Graham Hughes

Published 2017-05-05
Prof. Hughes introduces this section of his talk by taking us through the main pointers and other ‘clues’ associated with Hughes Syndrome / Antiphospholipid Syndrome / Sticky Blood Syndrome?
• Teenage migraine – ‘so important and so common.’
• Tendency to thrombosis – ‘interestingly in arteries as well as veins.’
• TIAs, strokes, memory loss
• Recurrent miscarriage, including LATE pregnancy loss
• Cold ‘blotchy’ circulation
• Giddiness and ataxia
• Visual disturbance
• Atypical multiple sclerosis’
• Venous leg ulcers
• Occasional low platelets
• Occasional heart murmurs
The sludging of sticky blood affects the placenta and the baby does not get enough circulation generally resulting in miscarriage – ‘this is the commonest treatable causes of recurrent miscarriage’.

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All Comments (12)
  • I have SLE and AP but never had a blood clot. I also have Vonwillenbrands. I was wondering if the VW may help in the prevention of clots.
  • I have suffered from migraines from the age of 9.I have had 10 miscarriages, 4 full term pregnancies. (Births). My 3rd I had a placental abruption 11 days before due date. Luckily it was a hospital check up day and it was caught. I survived and he did. My 4th I had terrible headaches and went for tests. They put in a cannula and as she took it out she pulled out a clot the length of a middle finger! She said oh you might have sticky blood, I’ll tell the Dr. I heard nothing more. 18 years later I’m now very ill. I have a strange ‘corn beef’ colour on my feet and just under my knees. I have constant headaches, memory loss, hearing loss and I suffer with joint pain and dizziness. I’ve been waiting for genetic testing for 4 years. My Drs think it’s all in my head. I’m almost bed bound as I’m that ill. I can’t get ANYONE to take me seriously. They think it’s fibromyalgia and that’s it. I’ve suffered for 34 years. On my right shin I get bruising and a burning sensation that’s really painful. I’m now having liver problems and had a scan this week. How can I make them take this seriously?
  • @ameersaied894
    Haha better than Osmosis. Of course you are the one who discovered the syndrome
  • @anaa8612
    Does that means that you need both test to be positive or if the one is you have one you have it?
  • Do u need any medication after pregnancy if u have hughes syndrome? I mean do u have to b on lyf time medicine after knowin ur aps positive ?
  • Hi sir, Please reply me im.from sri lanka.the doctors are suspecting that my wife has APS and they asked to do anticadiolipin and beta 2 glycoprotien test so we just provided the blood samples to the hospital.what is the refference range for these test results ? My wife had 2 miscarriages and she was treated in the icu for almost 1 month after the second miscarriage (5 months- did a surgery to get twin babies) due to high blood pressure ) Is this causing any drugs (medicines) and being in the bed for a long time ?
  • @jelapavlin
    I have it, 12 yers old when the. Migrens started , in 36 yers when i lost 6 pregnens, wi finds this sickness, i losses til 42 anather 6 pregnancy.We tray with a Fragmin 18000,I loss oll of my pregnancy.
  • @essyylump
    Professor Hughes diagnosed me 16 years ago with Hughes syndrome and sjogrens syndrome. I never had a positive test but was told that I had a positive clinical diagnosis. I returned each year to the hospital. I had my yearly appointment about two years ago and saw a different doctor,he took me off the medication and said that as I have not had a positive after this time, I did not need to come back. I have not been well since and the sjogrens syndrome is worse,so who is right!?
  • I have aps and had 7 losses and 1 successful pregnancy after with lovonox and baby aspirin prior to conceiving and thru out and until 6 weeks postpartum