Hear My Story: The Enslaved Community at Mount Vernon

Publicado 2016-04-29

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @dianeweaver8442
    I commend all of the actors for putting themselves in the lives of their ancestors, especially so that people in today’s world can better understand how things were done, how people were treated, and for the world to c how truly wrong this era was in our histories! Thank you to u ALL 🙏🏽
  • @ivymoon1779
    Beautifully done and much needed! So happy that you honor your ancestors !
  • @lelahridge7693
    Wow what a history. This should be seen by everyone un the US. They they understand what life was like
  • @cwhit8481
    I never knew this side of American History. Y'all presented the life and times in an outstanding and respectful Justice to our elders that have gone on before us. May the Lord God bestow upon you continual blessings in Jesus' name 🙏💖🎉🎩👒💐
  • @maryjomw
    Thank you for representing these individuals so respectfully. This was very interesting to watch, and feel that I have learned from this presentation.
  • I feel so privileged to be a part of this and to hear from the mouths of those who forged the path of slavery and are able to tell their stories. Thank you thank you thank you.
  • @namelia4439
    I believe Ony Judge eventually escapes, marries, and has a family...
  • @woodrose50
    I love your passion and the awesome job you do. Thank you.
  • @mschasitym1
    The name caption bothers me. They were not servants. Servants are paid.
  • @newwavepop
    i love the insight into our great history. but im sort of distracted by how much the first gentlemen "Billy" voice sound exactly like the brilliant late comedian "Patrice O'neal"
  • @CoachSherri
    Oney ran away and lived free and that’s when she had her 5 children
  • We should hear more about what the Subjugated have built, these Men were taught incredible Masonry and Carpentry Skills, they were taught Cabinet making Skills. They helped build the White House, both of them, they built Mount Vernon probably before Washington was Born. (Not Taught) Monticello (Not Taught) George Washington was 11 years old, he Inherited his Fathers Subjugated people. Which I find it Impossible for him not to have feelings for these people. He had no children & I believe William & his brother Frank, who he took as a dying wish of his friend. Billy and Frank were his friends Children. William Lee fought alongside on Horseback with General Washington. (Not Taught) I believe he considered them his Sons. Over the Course of Washington's life, 577 Slaves had lived at Mount Vernon. As some died, others were born, remember for 163 years these Slaves were part of the British Empire,(ignored & Not Taught) who still to this day own every acre of Canada,Australia & New Zealand.(Not Taught) @ any times they can take anyone's land. They cannot do that in the United States because of men both Black & White who have fought in every war. Who some have lived in the Americas for 400+ years, today anyone man or woman can be anything they want, own Property! The most important thing is America survived despite what the Democrats did for 78 years after independence, the were responsible for over 100 years starting in 1898 Wilmington NC. Where they formed the KKK, to Black Wall st.,to Jim Crow laws, to Lynching,Murdering & Burning,Suppression until 1964, when out of nowhere, they fell in with the Devil & that's another story. (All of that is Not .Taught)
  • @pagen5219
    I grew up 20 mi from GW birthplace and went a few times,,,just dont care to go anymore now, less its seeing how well and talented the slaves were,but,,,,,,,,it just makes me so angry,to see people own a people,