Can You Make A Living Flower Farming?? | Interview w. Lennie Larkin

Wow! This interview with Lennie Larkin from Flower Farming for Profit and B Side Farm is amazing! She runs a successful six figure farm as well as provides priceless information on how to run a profitable flower farm. She has a new book coming out that I could not order fast enough called “Flower Farming for Profit”. In this video Lennie talks about her amazing business course “The Flower Farming Business Academy”. Along with her amazing content, she gives us some great tips and to do items that every farmer can implement this year. #flowerfarm #flowerfarming #profitablefarming

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コメント (21)
  • @lostfarmco
    Hey Alex! Loved all the information and data that Lennie shared. I want to make sure we all acknowledge as well that YOU did a great job of structuring and presenting the interview. You obviously put a lot of effort into preparing for the interview and you projected a lot of confidence. Thoughtful follow up questions and prompting Lennie to share specific examples. Great job! Looking forward to more interviews and what you have planned for 2024.
  • Thanks for an excellent interview! DATA! Lennie is amazing. I so appreciate the experienced flower farmers, like Lennie and Jenny, focusing on teaching the business side of flower farming. Their contributions to the domestic flower industry will be invaluable. I've pre-ordered Lennie's book, have watched all her webinars, and am soaking up all the info she offers on her website, emails, and instagram tips. I'm agonizing over whether to take her class this year or wait. Trying to have a part-time flower business in addition to a full-time job has led to a very quick, unprofitable burnout.
  • @katrienvh4289
    Thanks for this! Don't know if you know Common Flower Farm from the UK ? If not, I think you would like her. She is also very sharp in how she does her farm. She harvests her sweet peas not per flower, she harvests them by the branch what gives longer stem length but also speeds up the harvest because of more flowers per cut. Always counts stems per kind of flower, before she starts harvesting, she nows how much she wants for the amount she has orders for. She is very efficient. She has written flower books aswel.
  • @TheMags77
    DATA is the name of the game when it comes to making a profitable flower farm! Lennie's energy is amazing! This was such a great interview and I am ordering the book right now!
  • Data is hard for the creative, free spirit, generous flower grower who starts selling. I definitely will try to ingest this new information 🤪
  • I’m not remotely interested in opening a flower farm (but a big supporter of my local flower farmers) but I find the discussion about how to think about/structure your business fascinating 📊
  • Data! I love all the business minded details covered. I've got the book in my cart ready to purchase as soon as funds become available
  • @flutterby0202
    Data. Watching from Australia at 5am whilst trying to plan the beginning of my new flower farm. I am building three flower beds 2mx6m (6 feetx20 feet) on a friend's property so I can plant out for 12 months to see how successful I can be. So excited to begin 😊
  • Data - Great interview! I'm listening in March, so missed the promo, but will definitely check out her website. I would love another interview where you dive in to her story more and business. She started going that direction at the beginning and then pivoted to her course and book, which I'll definitely check out! Thank you!
  • @YanickaQuilt
    data. I am nowhere close to even start thinking about selling my flowers but this was very informative !!!! thank you
  • @amandah4258
    Thank you for a great overview and I look forward to reading your book! 📊
  • @JesLeneeAS
    Thanks for the info! My husband and I were on a country drive (we live in Claremore) and accidentally stumbled upon your beautiful farm! Thanks for making our little town even more lovely!
  • Viewing a few days late but great interview!! Thank you both!! DATA!😊 Glad I watched!